Telford Junior School Curriculum Overview Year 4 Autumn Term f f Mathematics Art & Design. To develop skills of cutting /stitching. To continue to use.


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Presentation transcript:

Telford Junior School Curriculum Overview Year 4 Autumn Term f f Mathematics Art & Design. To develop skills of cutting /stitching. To continue to use sketchbooks to record and develop ideas. To experiment with different grades of pencil, charcoal, graphite, pen to achieve variation of tone with awareness of 3D effects. To create simple surface patterns and textures in a malleable material Design & Technology To select appropriate textiles To combine materials to add strength or visual appeal To use stitching To create a high quality finish To evaluate design, making and finish of product To listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding To be able to say introduce themselves; say how old they are and where they live To learn to count in French To begin to understand the concept of gender. Modern Languages French PSHE To know why different rules are needed in different situations and that they are there to protect To realise the nature and consequences of racism, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours, and how to respond to them Geography To locate counties on a map To know and use the 8 points of a compass To recognise OS symbols To find landmarks using 4 figure grid reference To gather and record information from local area To give understanding of Britain in the past To inspire curiosity about past To ask perceptive questions To use and weigh evidence To identify reasons for and results of historical events, situations and changes To develop chronology History Music To explore how music creates images To plan a composition To create mood through music To structure a composition To create contrasting moods To develop and perform a composition Physical Education To link gymnastic movements together and create sequences. To develop basic stroke actions in swimming. To develop and practise tactics needed for invasion games of Netball, Hockey and Tag Rugby. Computing To become familiar with the features of Microsoft Word and Publisher To use Microsoft Word and Publisher to present work in other areas of the Curriculum To understand the difference between data and information To collect data using sensors in Science To use and create databases Religious Education To explore the traditions associated with the Hindu religion To investigate the celebration of Diwali Science English Read books that are structured in different ways for a range of purposes Identfiying themes and conventions in a range of books To use punctuation, verbs, description & paragraphs effectively in extended writing; proof read for errors Apply growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes Discuss wide range of fiction, poetry and non fiction/reference books Discuss and record ideas Organise paragraphs around a theme Create settings, characters and plot To understand and use Place Value and order and compare numbers To use written methods to add and subtract up to 3-digit numbers and solve problems To derive, recall and use multiplication and division facts To recognise, show and calculate with fractions To estimate, compare, calculate and investigate with length and capacity To convert units of length and capacity To find the area of rectilinear shapes and solve problems involving area. To describe positions and movements on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant To compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles To interpret and present discrete data including bar charts and pictograms The Body To find out about skeletons, their function and how we move To learn about the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet and how food affects our bodies To describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans, including teeth States of matter To compare and group solids, liquids and gases To observe how and when materials change state as they are heated and cooled To investigate the Water Cycle