Developing Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness Incorporates many components important for health Incorporates many components important for health Muscular strength Muscular strength Muscular endurance Muscular endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance Flexibility Flexibility Body composition Body composition
Fitness Training Principles FITT Principle FITT Principle F requency – How often you should train I ntensity – How hard you should train T ime – How long you should train T ype – What activities you should do
Frequency Number of times a person trains a week Number of times a person trains a week Depends on goals, abilities, fitness level and sport Depends on goals, abilities, fitness level and sport To maintain 2-3 sessions per week To maintain 2-3 sessions per week To improve 4-6 sessions per week To improve 4-6 sessions per week
Intensity How hard a person needs to work in order to achieve a fitness benefit How hard a person needs to work in order to achieve a fitness benefit Measured differently for each component of fitness Measured differently for each component of fitness Work to rest ratio Work to rest ratio Rest phase allow for recovery from muscle fatigue Rest phase allow for recovery from muscle fatigue
Time Total time devoted to developing fitness Total time devoted to developing fitness Based on the duration of each training session Based on the duration of each training session Training volume Training volume Measured in various units depending on the type of activity Measured in various units depending on the type of activity E.g. the total repetitions in a workout E.g. the total repetitions in a workout
Type of Activity Formal fitness activities Formal fitness activities The development of fitness is the participants main goal The development of fitness is the participants main goal E.g. circuit training, group fitness classes, etc E.g. circuit training, group fitness classes, etc Informal fitness activities Informal fitness activities Emphasize the social aspect of exercising with fitness being a by-product Emphasize the social aspect of exercising with fitness being a by-product E.g. pick-up street hockey/basketball E.g. pick-up street hockey/basketball
Overload Principle For improvement to occur, training demands must be higher than normal performance requirements in order to stress the capacity of the targeted muscle or body system For improvement to occur, training demands must be higher than normal performance requirements in order to stress the capacity of the targeted muscle or body system The additional overload can be achieved by increasing the frequency, intensity, or time of the exercise program The additional overload can be achieved by increasing the frequency, intensity, or time of the exercise program
Progression Principle After a period of training, the load that previously created a level of stress will no longer provide an adequate overload stimulus After a period of training, the load that previously created a level of stress will no longer provide an adequate overload stimulus This stimulus is now a “normal” load This stimulus is now a “normal” load To make sure that the muscles or systems continue to improve, this stimulus must be periodically increased To make sure that the muscles or systems continue to improve, this stimulus must be periodically increased
How to Overload Judged by the number of times a given weight can be lifted before causing fatigue Judged by the number of times a given weight can be lifted before causing fatigue To increase muscle strength you should increase the load to what you lift until fatigue 10 times
Reversibility Principle “Use it or lose it” idea “Use it or lose it” idea Interruptions in training have a negative impact on overall fitness Interruptions in training have a negative impact on overall fitness Cardiovascular and muscular endurance decline faster than muscular strength and power Cardiovascular and muscular endurance decline faster than muscular strength and power
Specificity Principle Exercises cause specific physiological responses or changes Exercises cause specific physiological responses or changes If you want to improve a certain fitness or skill component, you must chose an activity that is close in action as your end result If you want to improve a certain fitness or skill component, you must chose an activity that is close in action as your end result E.g. it makes little sense to practice basketball by shooting on an 8 foot net if your game uses a 10 foot net. E.g. it makes little sense to practice basketball by shooting on an 8 foot net if your game uses a 10 foot net.