HAVE YOU CHANGED? James 1:9-11
Have You Changed? We continue our study into the book of James We have spoken of trials and the wisdom offered by God to deal with those trials What James deals with next may help us understand how things can change in our lives very quickly
Have You Changed? That word change can certainly scare us We often become comfortable with who we are and with our status in life When something comes along to change that, we may resist, even if it’s for our own good What kind of changes can we expect?
Have You Changed? 1. Change in status It may not be a coincidence that James speaks of the lowly being exalted and the rich being humbled following a discussion on trials Trials can change our status in life A trial can be a financial one (job loss, stock market crash, etc.)
Have You Changed? 1. Change in status Think about Job, one of the wealthiest men alive during his time Job lost most of his wealth through personal tragedy Job went from rich to poor then back to rich again
Have You Changed? 1. Change in status Job wasn’t concerned with losing his “stuff” The rich young ruler, however, did not like the thought of a change in status (Matt. 19:16- 22) He loved his riches much more than the thought of giving them up to be a disciple of Christ
Have You Changed? 2. Change in priorities When trials come in life, it seems to change our view or understanding on things It often times can show us what really is important in life Ex. Death of a loved one, separation from spouse
Have You Changed? 2. Change in priorities Christ seemed to remind us that trials of life can help us put our priorities in order Matt. 6:25-34 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”
Have You Changed? 2. Change in priorities God wants to be first in our lives Matt. 22:36-37 God allows the trials of our lives to shape us and mold us into what we need to be Part of that is when we realize that God is important in our lives
Have You Changed? 3. Change in attitude Trials have a way of changing our attitude, or outlook on things in life Someone who is a hardened criminal may come out a changed person after spending time behind bars Naaman was a good example of a change in attitude (II Kings 5)
Have You Changed? 3. Change in attitude He felt he was too good to do what God commanded, even though he had leprosy Trials have a way of softening our hearts He did what God asked and was healed He returned to give thanks (attitude change) to Elisha and to praise God
Have You Changed? 3. Change in attitude Perhaps our attitudes need some adjusting from time to time God has a way of humbling His people through the trials of this life Our attitude can change for the better in the aftermath of tribulation
Have You Changed? 4. Change in spiritual state Trials in this life can also cause us to change our spiritual state Many children of God have been born out of adversity One outstanding example of this is Paul and his conversion (Acts 8-9)
Have You Changed? 4. Change in spiritual state No one was a bigger enemy of the church and the cross of Christ than Saul When Jesus appeared to him and blinded him for 3 days, Saul made a change That 3 day trial (blindness) worked to change Saul into the great apostle Paul
Have You Changed? 4. Change in spiritual state When we become a child of God, everything changes for us “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (II Cor. 5:17) We view the world differently
Have You Changed? 4. Change in spiritual state There is no more rich or poor No more slave or free No more black or white We are all just as important in the kingdom (Rom. 10:12; Gal. 3:28) The ground is level at the foot of the cross