Happy 3rd day of September! Grab notes from front table! Write the following question in your “Bell work” worksheet and answer it: Name some of the steps you know you have to do when conducting an experiment.
Scientific Method What is it?!? BrainPop!
A blueprint for experiment success. Processes of Science A blueprint for experiment success.
What is the scientific method? A simple method scientists use to conduct an investigation/experiment. A way to ask & answer scientific questions.
1. Question/Problem Ask a question about something observed that you want to explain! Why? How? What? Must be about something measurable. Measure- a standard unit used to express the size, amount, or degree of something
2. Hypothesis Examples? A tentative explanation that can be tested An assumption based on prior knowledge When scientist state a hypothesis, they often use predictions to help test thier hypothesis Predict- a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events. A guess (no prior knowledge) Examples?
3. Experiment Tests your hypothesis. Repeat experiment! Change only one variable at a time. In order for results to be valid, conduct several tests.
4. Record and Analyze Data Record your data Data table Chart Graph Pictures
Example: Title: Describing the Data Trial Variable 1 Variable 2 3 4 5 AVERAGE
4. Record and Analyze Data Find the average of your data Data- pieces of information Graph (if possible) Graph the data to look for trends & relationships.
5. Conclusion Write a summary of your experiment. After your experiment, analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. If hypothesis is rejected, give possible reasons for the difference between your hypothesis and the experimental results. Use evidence to support your conclusion.
6. COMMUNICATE results! Communicate- share or exchange information
Is there only ONE way to DO science? NO!!!
Why is it important for scientists to communicate their results? Happy Thursday! Grab “Variables” WS from front table! Write the following question in your “Bell work” worksheet and answer it: Why is it important for scientists to communicate their results?
What are variables? Any factor that can be controlled, changed, or measured in an experiment!
Independent Variables What is changed by the scientist What is being tested by the scientist
Dependent Variable What is observed What is measured The effect caused by the independent variable. The data Also called responding variables
Control Group Kept constant (the same) by scientists These allow for a fair test. Used as a COMPARISON!
Example: One chicken is injected with a growth hormone while another chicken is not injected. Both chickens are weighed after a year. Independent? Dependent? Control?
Solutions Independent: Growth hormone Dependent: Weight of Chicken Control: Chicken not injected
What is the independent variable? Scenario: A bug repellant is sprayed on one arm while the other arm is not sprayed. The number of bug bites is recorded after 2 hours. What is the independent variable?
Bug Repellant!
What is the dependent variable? Scenario: A bug repellant is sprayed on one arm the other arm is not sprayed. The number of bug bites is recorded after 2 hours. What is the dependent variable?
# of Bug Bites!
What is the independent variable? Scenario: Javier sleeps 9 hours the night before his science exam. His twin sister has the same exam and sleeps 6 hours the night before the test. Afterwards, they compare their scores. What is the independent variable?
Hours of sleep
What is the dependent variable? Scenario: Javier sleeps 9 hours the night before his science exam. His twin sister has the same exam and sleeps 6 hours the night before the test. Afterwards, they compare their scores. What is the dependent variable?
Exam scores
What is the independent variable? Scenario: Group A exercises for a month. Group B does not exercise. They measure the amount of weight they gained. What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable? Scenario: Group A exercises for a month. Group B does not exercise. They measure the amount of weight they gained. What is the dependent variable?
What is the independent variable? Scenario: One plant is given sunlight every day. Another plant is not given any sunlight. After 3 weeks, we measure how tall the plant is. What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable? Scenario: One plant is given sunlight every day. Another plant is not given any sunlight. After 3 weeks, we measure how tall the plant is. What is the dependent variable?
Height of plant