Users/Historical Data Working Group Update to Coordination Group Jacqueline Nolan Congressional Cartography Program Library of Congress March 18, 2014 Coordination Group Meeting 03/11/14 v1
2 Introduction The Mission/Purpose of the Users/Historical Data Working Group (U/HDWG) is to promote and coordinate activities among Federal agencies who are primarily users of, not generators of geospatial data. The Working Group promotes an awareness among Federal agencies of the historical dimension to geospatial data; facilitates the long- term retention, storage, preservation and accessibility of geospatial data with historic value; and builds support and facilitates the coordinated development, use, sharing and dissemination of historically valuable geospatial data. Chair: Butch Lazorchak, Library of Congress
3 Organizations Participating Members include: USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Department of Homeland Security National Archives and Records Administration Library of Congress North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis North Carolina State University Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA), Pennsylvania State University Tennessee Valley Authority Benjamin Harrison Society San Diego Supercomputer Center Western Illinois University USGS USDA
4 Recent Meetings The U/HDWG meetings on 4 th Thursday of the month. The topics discussed at recent meetings include: Updates on the Circular A-16 implementation guidance Discussions on the establishment of a “historic data” community on the Geospatial Platform Finalizing the “Guidance on the Selection and Appraisal of Geospatial Content of Enduring Value” document Some of the outcomes arising from these meetings include: Discussions with FGDC on ways to implement “Guidance” document within the A-16 Implementation process Continued discussion on engagement with the Geospatial Platform Continued outreach to users of Federal Geospatial Data Ongoing information-sharing amongst participants
5 Next Steps In the coming months, the U/HDWG hopes to accomplish/discuss: Continue to work with the Portfolio Management Implementation Plan for the OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance to incorporate “Guidance” document Continue to engage with the Geospatial Platform, focusing on archival and long-term stewardship considerations Continue information-sharing amongst U/HDWG members.
6 Next Meeting The next meeting of the U/HDWG will be held on Thursday March 27th, 11am- 12pm ET Contact Butch Lazorchak at for webinar information
7 Questions? Jacquie Nolan Butch Lazorchak, U/HDWG Chair Library of Congress