Agenda 1. Welcome remarks from Deputy Secretary, DAL5 min 2. Welcome remarks from Deputy Director, NDC 5 min 3. Food Security Cluster mechanism & its architecture 20 min 4. Presentation on Church Partnership Programme15 min 5. Existing and planned assessments 15 min 6. Updates from Partners and discussion 15 min 7. AOB: 10 min Logistics Frequency of Food Security Meeting and calendar
Food Security Stakeholders Coordination Meeting Port Moresby, PNG 26/January/2016
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG FSC in PNG The Food Security Cluster pursues to work jointly with the Government of PNG and non-government actors to establish a common platform for coordination of Relief Food and Agriculture Recovery Interventions.
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Cluster Strategic Approach 1.Provide sector-specific technical expertise and support to the Government-led national drought response; 2.Provide capacity support at National and Provincial levels in coordination and information management; 3.Ensure a coherence & collaboration in relief and response actions to improve its efficacy; 4.Serve as an advocacy mechanism to boost resources by creating linkages between donors, government and non-government actors 5.Provide information management services to ensure regular and comprehensive reporting & mapping;
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Partnerships: The WFP & FAO, (UN co-lead agencies of the Food Security Cluster at the global level), offer their full partnership and support to the government and non-government actors to facilitate and improve coordination of drought response actions in the food security sector.
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Cluster Leadership: Government of PNG Department of Agriculture and Livestock: Bearing the mandate for Food Security, DAL leadership will provide guidance and ensure alignment of the response with the Food Security Policy, Agriculture Sector Recovery Plan, and National Agriculture Sector Recovery aspect; National Disaster Centre: Bearing the mandate for delivery of food relief, NDC leadership will provide guidance and information on national standards, prioritization of relief, and alignment with national food assistance mechanisms
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Cluster Coordination Support, Facilitation & Technical Expertise: FAO: Provides technical backstopping, capacity support and expertise on interventions in the agriculture sector. WFP: Provides technical backstopping, capacity support and expertise on emergency food assistance interventions. CPP: Provides a critical linkage to Papua New Guinea’s largest, community-level presence and distribution network, through the 7 largest Churches in PNG. Cluster partners (contributing members) NGOs, Donors, Private Sector, Red Cross Movement (ICRC, IFRC), Churches
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Cluster’s Key Deliverables: Staffing: FAO and WFP, as UN cluster leads, will provide internationally-qualified technical experts in the following areas: 1) National Cluster Coordinator 2)Sub-National (Provincial) Cluster Coordinator 3)Information Management Officer Mapping: GIS expertise/personnel will be provided to produce maps as necessary, including (but not limited to): 1. Cluster partner presence maps 2. Food assistance coverage maps (% affected pop. reached) 3. Mapping of overlaps in assistance 4. Gap/location mapping (populations not assisted, info gaps) 5. Mapping of assessments 6. Mapping of intervention types (food relief, Agri-recovery)
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Reporting: Reporting will be designed to provide relevant and accurate information to decision-makers in Government and others involved in drought response. This will include 1.Periodic Cluster Bulletins 2.Infographics summarizing food sector responses to date 3.Monthly tracking of assistance delivery against targets 4.Support to cluster leadership & partners in drafting strategic plans, donor proposals, etc.
Food Security Cluster Mechanism & Architect in PNG Cluster’s Key Deliverables (contd..) Assessments: Identification and training of Cluster partners Coordination of field assessments Consolidation and reporting of assessment outcomes and results Linkages to WFP’s Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping unit (VAM) Guidance Written guidance and/or training on design and delivery of food assistance modalities Guidance on operational planning (budgeting, beneficiary selection, monitoring) Minimum standards – ration sizes, provision of appropriate seeds and tools, etc