Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and Visitor Industries 02 target industry cluster
2 section 03 Source: EMSI Class of Worker (QCEW, non-QCEW, self-employed and extended proprietors). Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and Visitor Industries Industries Jobs 2014 National Trend, Industry Trend, Cumulative Expected Growth Actual Job Growth, Regional Performance, ABC=A+BDD-C Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels Golf Courses and Country Clubs Bowling Centers Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers Shift-Share Analysis by Top Industry Sectors: MPS Region, IL Note: Upward arrow ( ) indicates regional competitiveness. The EMSI does not show sufficient data for All Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services, Racetracks, Sports Teams and Clubs, Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing, Other Spectator Sports, Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters, Other Gambling Industries, RV and Parks and Campgrounds, and Marinas.
3 Industries Estimated Input ($ Millions), 2013 % In-Region% Out of Region Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices$1.802%98% Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings$.4431%69% Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)$.4149%51% Offices of Lawyers$.338%92% Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers$.3122%78% Cheese Manufacturing**$.290%100% Advertising Agencies*$.286%94% Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)** $.260%100% Other Activities Related to Real Estate$.2212%88% Temporary Help Services*$.210%100% Television Broadcasting**$.210%100% Janitorial Services$.2025%75% Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $.1920%80% US Postal Service$.1845%55% Wet Corn Milling**$.170%100% Top 15 Inputs by Dollars: MPS Region, IL Note: * industry sector has less than 10 jobs as calculated by EMSI; ** industry sector is not present in the region. Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and Visitor Industries Source: EMSI Class of Worker (QCEW, non-QCEW, self-employed and extended proprietors). section 03
4 Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and Visitor Industries Top 15 Inputs by Dollars: MPS Region, IL Source: EMSI Class of Worker (QCEW, non-QCEW, self-employed and extended proprietors). section 03 Note: ** industry sector is not present in the region.
5 Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and Visitor Industries OccupationsJobs 2014 % Change, Median Hourly Earnings, 2014 Entry Level Education Musicians and Singers1614%$17.9 High school diploma or equivalent Writers and Authors120%$14.1Bachelor's degree Recreation Workers1067%$8.9Bachelor's degree Top Occupations: MPS Region, IL Note: SOC (Standard Occupation Classification) 5-digit occupations are included by jobs in Source: EMSI Class of Worker (QCEW, non-QCEW, self-employed and extended proprietors). section 03 The EMSI does not show sufficient data for Audio and Video Equipment Technicians, Photographers; Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture; Technical Writers, Public Address System and Other Announcers, Broadcast News Analysts, Reporters and Correspondents, Editors, Film and Video Editors, Office Clerks, General, Chefs and Head Cooks, First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers.