Course Orientation Page 1 Principles of Tourism 2 with Laws Course Code: TOU Course Credit: 3 units (3 hours per week) Mr. Wendell Brigino Aguirre Professor Website:
Principles of Tourism 2 with Laws Course Orientation Page 2 Course Description: This course is a preparative study of the tourism and hospitality industry, its history, framework and system. It aims to provide students with an overview of the different aspects and principles of hotel, and restaurant and tourist establishment business. This course introduces the students to the theories, concepts and principles of tourism. It focuses on the economic, socio- cultural, and political implications of tourism industry. It gives insights on tourism laws mandating tourism businesses, and tourism prospects for a better and more progressive tourism industry.
Course Outline: The Impact of Tourism Tourism Planning Tourism Development Tourism Marketing Tourism Promotion Tourism Distribution Channel Transportation Services Accommodations Food Services Course Orientation Page 3
References: Cruz, Zenaida L. (2013) Principles of Tourism, Part 2. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines. Cruz, Zenaida L. (2013) Principles of Tourism, Part 1. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines. Libosada Jr., Carlos M. and Bosangit, Carmela A. (2007) Introduction to Tourism, A Comprehensive Guide to the Travel and Tourism Industry. Anvil Publishing, Inc. Pasig City, Philippines. Goeldner, Charles R. and Ritchie, J. R. Brent. (2009) Tourism, Principles, Practices, Philosophies, 11 th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Jersey, USA. Course Orientation Page 4
Course Requirements: Student Profile with scanned 2” x 2” picture -You can get the copy from my website, print it in a short bond paper (8 ½” x 11”) Copy of registration form Test booklet Course Orientation Page 5
Grading System: Class Standing Computation: 60% - Recitation/Oral Reports 20% - Research/Home Work20% - Projects10% - Quizzes/Long Exam50% Major Exam: 40% 100% Course Orientation Page 6 Based 40 Grade Computation = (Raw Score/Total Score x 60) +40 Final Average Computation = (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade +Final Grade) / 3