Dalkeith High School A Guide to Qualifications
Qualifications through the Decades In the 70s - O Grades In the 80s - Standard Grades In the 90s - Intermediates Highers through all decades CSYS – now Advanced Highers
Guide to Translating Qualifications OLD NEW
Progression may also be lateral to different courses at achieved level Level Achieved Should Choose National 3 National 4 National 5 Higher Advanced Higher Progression between Levels
Nat 3/SCQF 3 Nat 4/SCQF 4 Nat 5/SCQF 5 Higher/SCQF 6 Advanced Higher/SCQF 7 National Qualifications
Senior Phase Courses National 3 through to Advanced Higher PLUS NPA – National Progression Awards Horticulture/Dance/Photography SfW – Skills for Work Courses Travel & Tourism/Sport & Recreation Group Awards Scottish Studies/Personal Development/ Leadership/Personal Finance
Other Opportunities on Offer NPA link to Modern Apprenticeships College courses within Academies partnerships lead towards HNC by end of S6 – as well as lead to 2 nd year entry for certain degree courses YASS Young Applicants in School Scheme – Open University - SCQF 7 DHS asked to pilot Foundation Apprenticeship [Financial Services] – starts in school in college/time with employer
National Qualifications National 3 two or three units units assessed within the class no external exam must pass all units to gain Course Award at National 3 Course Award either “Pass” or “Fail”
National 4 two or three units plus an “Added Value” unit “Added Value” unit could be practical activity/folio/performance units are assessed within the class no external exam must pass all units, including the ‘Added Value’ unit, to gain Course Award at National 4 Course award either “Pass” or “Fail”
National 5 two or three units units are assessed within the class external exam for most courses can include course assessment completed in school/assessed by SQA must pass all units to gain Course Award at National 5 Course Award graded A, B, C, D Nat 4 Added Value unit can be used as “safety net” for candidates who might struggle to reach National 5 standard
Higher/Advanced Higher two or three units units are assessed within the class external exam for most courses can include course assessment completed in school/assessed by SQA must pass all units to gain Course Award at Higher/Advanced Higher Course Award graded A, B, C, D
Summary Units are assessed within school – verified by SQA to maintain standard Exams/Course Assessment apply at Nat 5 and above Course Assessment can be folio/assignment may be done under controlled conditions AV unit – can be used as “safety net for candidates who might struggle to meet Nat 5 level
SQA Results Service replaces Absentee Arrangements and Appeals in place prior to results – if candidate unable to sit exam [through illness after Results in August – clerical check or marker review can be requested – evidence must be consistent/held by school