Trade & Aid: Individual Essay Projects for Year 11 L/O – To understand the requirements of the individual essay projects and how they will be assessed
The Individual Essay Task To finish our unit on Trade and Aid, all Year 11 students are required to complete an individual essay investigation. This is a chance to improve upon the grades from your previous essays in Global Perspectives before they are submitted this year. The essay should be based on any aspect of trade and aid. The deadline is Monday 16 th November.
The Individual Essay Task Just like in previous essays, it must contain the following: Must present and analyse information about your topic like its causes and effects. Must look at an issue from Global, National/Local and Personal perspectives Must present justified solutions to the issues Must contain a group opinion/reflection Must contain a conclusion and bibliography. The title of your project must be in the form of an enquiry question i.e. ‘To what extent does aid perpetuate poverty?’ The essay will be graded out of 40 marks.
The Individual Essay Task Your first task should be to brainstorm and research an aspect of Trade & Aid that might appeal to you. Next, think of a good enquiry question for your task. Make sure it is focused and narrow enough to be able to answer it. Try to think of a controversial issue to do with trade and aid or something that interests your personally. Think of a trade issue that affects Hong Kong directly i.e. people smuggling, drugs, ivory, animals etc…
Issues to do with Trade and Aid 1.How do other countries trade with each other? 2.Who makes the rules? 3.Why are some countries with resources poorer than others? 4.Do richer countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries? 5.What does my country import and export? 6.Which countries do we trade with the most and why? 7.Why are some goods imported even though we produce similar products? 8.What should I consider when I make decisions about products? 9.What effect does this have on the lives of others around the world? 10.Are there some companies I should specifically support or boycott? 11.Does aid really help countries or does it make them dependent? 12.Do rich countries exploit poorer nations through trade rules? 13.Should countries like India and China still receive aid?