The Phonetic Alphabet L.O. – To be able to execute a game of exercise hangman over the radio.
What is the phonetic alphabet? The phonetic alphabet is the same as the normal alphabet but instead of using letters (abc) you use assigned words (alpha bravo Charlie). When speaking over the radio or phone it stops any ambiguity.
Lets see what you know On your board write out the following in phonetics. CIS Charlie India Sierra HMS Hotel Mike Sierra ROYAL Romeo Oscar Yankee Alpha Lima NAVY November Alpha Victor Yankee
Any questions ???
Exercise hangman The aim of this exercise if to get practical experience on the radios as well as putting what you have learnt on this topic into practice. There are 2 parts 1) Word controller 2) Guessing
Rules You must NOT use offensive language such as swearing over the radio. NEVER touch an aerial unless it has been disconnected. NEVER eat or drink near communications equipment or operate equipment with wet hands. ALWAYS ensure that aerials are connected before switching a radio on.
Any questions ??? Now it’s your turn to practice