Options for Your Oral History Product Title all digital media as your first initial, your last name, your period, and then oral history. Example: pkelly1oralhistory
What do you need to turn in with your product? 1. A typed copy of your product or the digital version on a saving device (flash drive) 1.All digital products will be put into Mr. Kelly’s drop box during class. 2. District rubric 3. A typed copy of your questions (Unless Mr. Kelly already has a typed copy.)
PowerPoint Presentation Minimum of 15 slides. Slide Titles ◦A form of the questions you pose to your interviewee. Slide Bodies ◦A synthesis of the answers given by the interviewee Incorporate visuals and other features that enhance your project. You may ask to present the PowerPoint to me at lunch, resource, or after school. ◦This will probable enhance your grade.
Biography Minimum of 5 paragraphs. The information should be a synthesis of the answer given by your interviewee. It must be typed. Other tips: ◦Write in third person ◦Add visuals to enhance the biography ◦Watch conventions
Thank You Letter Minimum of 5 paragraphs. Use a proper format for thank you letters The information should be a synthesis of the answer given by your interviewee. It must be typed. Other tips: ◦Add visuals to enhance the letter ◦Watch conventions
Podcast Minimum of 3 minutes in length If you are incorporating audio from the interview, it should be five minutes in length. Provide your own synthesis about the answers given during your interview. It must be in an MP3 or WAV file
Documentary Minimum of 3 minutes in length If you are incorporating audio from the interview, it should be five minutes in length. Provide your own synthesis about the answers given during your interview. It must be on a DVD or a file that will work on a school computer.