Webigeo Braden Miller Chris Willard DPH-BEH
Outline ► Software description ► Why we’re using it MA EPHT Portal Demo Webigeo vs. ESRI ► How we’re implementing it Back end functionality System Architecture Future Enhancements ► Questions
What is Webigeo? ► Galigeo product ► ‘Webigeo Location Intelligence brings rich data visualization and geomapping to Business Intelligence application’ ► ‘Webigeo connects directly to Business Intelligence applications, maps large-scale datasets and applies spatial processing to enhance data visualization, reporting and predictive analytics’
What is Webigeo? Webigeo links ArcGIS server and IBM Cognos to provide thematic maps showing dynamic query results
What is Webigeo? ► User can alter symbology of query results Range Individual values Bar / pie charts Proportional symbols ► Basic+ map functionality / tools Pan / zoom Maps tips (configurable) Feature ID Feature selection by point, circle, or poly Hot Spots Clustering Center of gravity Network Analyst
Current MA EPHT System ► Funding from CDC’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Program 23 states, 1 city, 5 academic partners ► Presents health and environmental data to the public ► Portal currently hosted externally ► Uses ESRI Maps for Cognos Formerly SpotOn Vantage
Current MA EPHT System ► Health Data Asthma Birth Defects Cancer CO Poisoning Childhood Lead Poisoning Heart Attack Hospitalization Pediatric Asthma Reproductive Outcomes ► Environmental Data Air Quality Drinking Water Quality
Current MA EPHT System ► Externally hosted & supported ► De-identified record level data in the database ► Cognos queries present rates, counts, etc in charts, tables, graphs and maps, based on user’s input
Implementation ► Current version still in Dev ► MA EPHT Portal will include various queryable reports presenting health and environmental data ► Query results will be presented in a tabbed format Table Charts / Graphs Dynamic Webigeo Map
Nuts & Bolts ► Webigeo Admin panel Establish joins between Map Service layers & Cognos data Set up map symbology ► Cognos report author imbeds Webigeo map in report as an iframe ► Leverages Cognos’ security ► Widgets / Add-ons via.xml config files
Adding Map Services
Configure Map Services
Configure Joins
Nuts & Bolts
► User visits Cognos report ► Webigeo BI connector (embedded within Cognos) sends report parameters to Webigeo server ► Webigeo server gets query data from Cognos server ► Webigeo processes query results and makes them available to be used by ggo_cartographic_viewer ► Webigeo client - through iframe embedded in report – calls flex ggo_cartographic_viewer client telling it that geo-bi data are available on Webigeo server ► Flex ggo_cartographic_viewer client gets geo-bi data and joins them with ArcGIS Server REST mapservice layers ► Geo-bi data displayed on the map according to predetermined thematic symbologies
BEH EPHT System Architecture