1 1 LED LAMP TYPE Saving Energy Implementation
> 2 2 PHILIPS – LED LAMP TYPE NOVOTEL SEMARANG has been using LED lamp PHILIPS type : LED String White 6300K medium voltage for replace neon cathode lamp with high voltage balast at neon sign roof LED String Standard WW (15m/RL) for replace all fluorescent lamp 36w at Lobby, Mezzanine and all Meeting Room MASTER LED 7w GU10ww for replace all halogen lamp 50w at Room and Public Area (corridor & toilet)
> 3 3 LED STRING WHITE 6300K MEDIUM VOLTAGE Location : neon sign at roof Technical information : w => total 720 w - life time hours hrs - lumen 160 lm Saving implementation : - Before = w => total w - After = w => total 720 w - Saving= – 720 x 100 % = 96 % Could you explain or provide a picture of the W ?
> 4 4 LED STRING WHITE 6300K MEDIUM VOLTAGE Sample installation : HATI HATI – the new standard is a WHITE LIGTHING
> 5 5 LED STRING STANDARD WW (15M/RL) Location : Lobby, Mezzanine and all Meeting Room Technical information : - 62 w + 31 w => total w - life time hours hrs - lumen 67,5 lm Saving implementation : - Before = 574 w + 35 w => total w - After = => total w - Saving= – x 100 % = 62,15 % You are replacing FLC light by STRING light ? According to our meeting : -You should not change the Design -- keep the same quality of light (Lum and LUX) Show a Picture of a FLC
> 6 6 LED STRING STANDARD WW (15M/RL) Technical installation : Wood Could you provide a picture of the lobbyBefore and After to see the LOOK
> 7 7 MASTER LED 7W GU10WW Location : Room and Public Area (toilet and corridor) Technical information : w => total w - life time hours hrs - lumen 150 lm Saving information : - Before = w => total w - After = w => total w - Saving= – x 100 % = 86 %
> 9 9 TOTAL KWH CONSUMPTION Difference total KWH consumption after using LED type : MONTHKWH 2008ROOM SOLD 2008KWH 2009ROOM SOLD 2009SELISIH KWH Jan (↓) Feb (↓) Mar (↓) Apr (↓) Mei (↓) Jun (↓) Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des In my opinion, you should compare the Savings between same occupancy. Comparing Jan 2008 vs 2009 provides big savings because of the occupancy difference. Jan2008-Mai2009= 25,000 KwH is more realistic
> 10 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION (2008 – 2009) Start replacement Roof Signage lamp with LED String (January 2008) Start replacement all Halogen Lamp with Halogen LED 7w (December 2008) Start replacement all TL lamp with LED String Lamp (January 2009) What’s happened here ? You should show the Occupancy as well for a better analysis
> 11 THE STRENGTH & THE WEAKNESS A.Strength : 1.Life time longer Hrs 2.Easy installation 3.Lumen ( 150 lumen ) 4.Save 80 – 90 % energy B. Weakness : 1.Expensive 2.For replacement should be replace fitting also ( Halogen type ) 3.For streaming type make new installation for replacement fluorescent Type lamp What means “Streaming” ? Please explain
> 12 GREEN GLOBE PROGRAM 1.Saving energy 2.Reduce quantity waste for lamps 3.Not using gas like Neon, Mercury etc at list friendly with environment
> 13 GREEN GLOBE PROGRAM FOLLOWING OUR Chief Engineer Meeting and the Presentation of the work we are doing with PHILIPS, each time you want to change lighting, you should ask yourself : Am I going to change the Design ? Take a picture Before and After What is the lighting ambiance I should keep ? LUX and LUMEN per sqm or else (contact Philips for help to mesure) If I use FLC or Halogene or other Lamp producing “Dangerous Gas” : How I will handle the used Bulbs after (Recycle ? Give to a specialized company ?) Try to set up a Grid of Return of Investment with the help of the Supplier (philips) is recommended of course) Take into consideration the REAL TIME the light is SWITCHED ON (24 HOURS is only for some specific public areas) OUR COMMENTS
> 14 Thank you