St.Patrick By Joey and Kyser
St. Patrick He was born in the year 387. His feast day is on March 17. He became a saint because he drew the snakes out of Ireland.
St.Patrick 3 important facts are, He was captured by pirates. He explained the trinity with a shamrock. He drove all the snakes from Ireland.
St. Patrick Joey’s family comes from Ireland and Kyser likes snakes. Don’t let satin slither into our hearts.
St. Patrick O God, You sent St. Patrick to preach your glory to the Irish. Through his merits and intercessions grant that we who have the honor of bearing the name of Christians may constancy proclaim your wonderful designs to man.
St. Patrick Patron saint of Ireland. Apostle of Ireland. Taught the trinity with shamrock. Religious Ireland preacher Christian to other lands Kind
Sources: Mrs. Vos’s web site saint book 1.