Genocide in Africa World Geography. Rwanda – 1994 Rwanda: How the genocide happened


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Presentation transcript:

Genocide in Africa World Geography

Rwanda – 1994 Rwanda: How the genocide happened

Rwanda Civil War between the two largest ethnic groups in Rwanda. The Hutu killed approximately 1,000,000 Tutsi’s in approximately 100 days. Hutu vs. Tutsi (Civil War) –Interhamwe Militia (Genocide)

Rwanda Largest Problems –Government Sanction and Support of Genocide. –Lack of International Support for Tutsi’s.

Darfur region of Sudan – Current

Darfur Government Sponsored Militia: Arab Moslem Janjaweed are attacking small black villages with Christian Africans.

End the Genocide in Darfur Economic and Military interventions have not been exhausted. 80% of the oil exported from Sudan goes to China. The government of Sudan has not allowed UN peacekeepers into the region of Darfur.