6 th Unit 2- Rocks and Minerals DAILY AGENDA AND BELL WORK
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/12/2015 DUE- 0 Unit 2 Pre Test Bill Nye Video! HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : Are you excited about studying Rocks and Minerals? Why or why not? COMPLETE SENTENCES!
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/13/2015 DUE- 0 Self Assessment Bill Nye Video! HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : List 2 things you remember from BILL NYE! (ask a neighbor if you were ABSENT!)
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/14/2015 DUE- 0 Is it a Mineral?! (video) Mineral Notes Vocab Foldable (pg 60-63) HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : List three types of Rocks from BILL NYE’s video…
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/15/2015 DUE- 0 Crystal Notes Vocab Foldable HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : What are the 4 characteristics of MINERALS? (Check in your ES bOOK!)
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/16/2015 DUE- 0 Mineral VIDEO & Notes Fun Friday! HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : List three ways crystals can form!
What is one type of mineral you can find at home? BELLWORK : What is one type of mineral you can find at home?
What is the difference between silicate and non silicate minerals? (use vocab!) BELLWORK : What is the difference between silicate and non silicate minerals? (use vocab!) Dioptase is an intense emerald- green to bluish-green copper cyclosilicate mineral.
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/21/2015 DUE- 0 Notes Geology Kitchen Group Activity HOMEWORK : Study for Quiz What are the two most common elements on Earth? BELLWORK : What are the two most common elements on Earth?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/22/2015 DUE- 0 Quiz Mineral Identity Activity HOMEWORK :0 List the 8 properties used to identify minerals. BELLWORK : List the 8 properties used to identify minerals.
Oregon SunStone! ; THIS LED TO ITS USE BY THE VIKINGS TO LOCATE THE SUN FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES SUNSTONE IS A PLAGIOCLASE FELDSPAR, WHICH WHEN VIEWED FROM CERTAIN DIRECTIONS EXHIBITS A BRILLIANT SPANGLED APPEARANCE; THIS LED TO ITS USE BY THE VIKINGS TO LOCATE THE SUN FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. IT HAS BEEN FOUND IN SOUTHERN NORWAY, SWEDEN AND IN VARIOUS UNITED STATES LOCALITIES. Oregon sunstone : the more copper within the stone, the darker the complexion A variety known as Oregon sunstone is found in Harney County, Oregon and in eastern Lake County north of Plush. Oregon sunstone contains inclusions of copper crystals. The copper leads to variant color within some stones, where turning one stone will result in manifold hues: the more copper within the stone, the darker the complexion.[8] state gemstone On August 4, 1987, the Oregon State Legislature designated Oregon sunstone as its state gemstone by joint resolution
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/26/2015 DUE- 0 Mineral Identification LAB HOMEWORK : Finish pg 16 &17 What are the differences between a cleavage break and a fracture break? BELLWORK : What are the differences between a cleavage break and a fracture break?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/27/2015 DUE- page 16/17 Guest Speaker! Mining HOMEWORK :0 Think/write one question for our guest speaker today! BELLWORK : Think/write one question for our guest speaker today!
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/28/2015 DUE- page 16/17 GOLD! (videos) GOLD! (videos) Reading pg 21 Pre Lab HOMEWORK : PRE LAB What was one type of mining you learned about yesterday? BELLWORK : What was one type of mining you learned about yesterday?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/29/2015 DUE- page 16/17 Cookie Mining LAB HOMEWORK : Read 31-32, Answer questions #1-3 BELLWORK : List three types of mining!
6 th Grade AGENDA- 10/30/2015 DUE- Mining Analysis Environmental Impacts Fun Friday! HOMEWORK : Pop quiz MONDAY! BELLWORK : Why is reclamation important?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/2/2015 DUE-0 Cookie Assessment pg-30 Identifying Minerals Quiz HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : Would you want the land by your home a mining area? Why or why not?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/3/2015 DUE-0 Intro to Rocks! Rock Video HOMEWORK :0 BELLWORK : What is so cool about ROCKS anyways?.. (TAKE OUT TEST AND CORRECT)..
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/4/2015 DUE-0 Igneous Rocks! YouTube Lab Stations (pg52) HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : What are the three types of rocks?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/5/2015 DUE-0 Sedimentary Rocks! YouTube Lab Stations (pg52) HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : What does the word IGNEOUS mean?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/9/2015 DUE-0 Metamorphic Rocks! YouTube Observe (pg52) Rock Brochure HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : What are the 3 characteristics of sedimentary rocks?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/10/2015 DUE-0 Rock Cycle! Video Pg HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : What causes changes that occur in metamorphic rocks?
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/12/2015 DUE-0 STARBURST ROCK CYCLE LAB! HOMEWORK : BELLWORK : Please write the definition of the Rock Cycle.
6 th Grade AGENDA- 11/13/2015 DUE-0 Rock Quizzy! Rock Brochure 3 characteristics, the process how it is formed, examples and COLOR! HOMEWORK : Brochure BELLWORK : Write one interesting part from the starburst lab. Did you like the lab? Did it make the rock cycle clear?