WARM-UP!! At the top of your notes, write down what you think a “Reformation” is and give an example.
Who was A&E’s most influential person of the last millenium Johann Gutenberg Created printing press Faster reproduction of books and ideas Increased literacy
The Protestant Reformation Only write what is in black! The Protestant Reformation 16th Century movement for religious REFORM (1500’s) Led to the founding of Christian Churches that rejected the Pope’s authority. Protestant- protested the Catholic Church
I. Abuses of the Catholic Church A. Church leaders corrupt and extravagant “God has given us the papacy, now let us enjoy it!” Patrons of the Arts Chalice of Sistine Chapel Pope Pius IX
B. Rulers resent papal influence in political affairs Canon Law over civil law Power struggle between Popes and Kings Excommunication...
C. Middle Classes resent paying church taxes Church owned much land and taxed its inhabitants Resentment over flow of money to the Vatican in Rome. Church was tax exempt
D. Lower clergy (priests) are guilty of breaking vows. Took vows of poverty and chastity, yet most lived richly and some had kids Priests were main contact for the people to the church. Many uneducated, couldn’t read Latin Sacraments in Latin No sacraments, no salvation!
II. Church practices seen as abuses: A. Sale of Indulgences- Accepting money for Church pardons (Buy your way out of sin) B. Simony- Buying and selling of church positions C. Nepotism- Jobs given to relatives D. Relics Pilgrimages to Holy places to view relics. (Examples: piece of Moses’ burning bush, straw from Jesus’ manger, bones of a martyr or saint) People charged to see these And many were fake!!!
III. Eventually, the authority of church leaders is questioned At issue: Is the Church or the Bible itself the higher authority? (listen to Church or interpret for self?) Question: “What must one do to be saved?”
THE REFORMERS Martin Luther German; well- educated member of Catholic Church Wrote 95 Theses to debate problems in the Church (1517) Credited with starting the Protestant Reformation Gutenberg’s printing press- spread 95 Theses around Germany Believed in: Justification by Faith (faith is all that is needed to go to heaven) Service in the vernacular (native language) Individual should interpret what the Bible means Clergy may marry, have kids Founded the Lutheran Church
John Calvin French, broke from the Church in 1530 Ideas not widely accepted in Catholic France Fled to Switzerland to escape punishment Predestination- fate (heaven or hell) already decided (no way to change it) Protestant Work Ethic- reward will be in heaven No gambling, card playing, music, dancing Scotland: Presbyterians England: Puritans
Henry VIII King of England Devoted member of Catholic Church, but… “needed” a divorce! Had a daughter, but wanted a son to be king Request for divorce denied by Pope “Created” Anglican Church (Church of England) in 1534 Act of Supremacy: King, not Pope official head of England’s Church Political motive (unlike Luther and Calvin)