Writing Frame for Critically Evaluating a Report
“Getting the gist” Read the media report and summarise what it is about in 3 sentences or bullet points. 1.Purpose 2.Method 3.Key finding
Read again Read the media report again, asking appropriate “worry questions” as you go.
1. Source Who funded it? Who carried it out? Potential for a hidden agenda
1. Source Who funded it? Council for Infrastructure Development Who carried it out? Horizon Research Potential for a hidden agenda Tolls is favoured by Auckland City Council. They want support for their transport policy.
Method Who is the target group? Who was sampled? How was the sample selected? random/representative? self-selection/man-in-street? Phone/online/face-to-face
Method Who is the target group? Adults who live in Auckland Who was sampled? Online respondents (people with access to the internet and who register with Horizon) How was the sample selected? Random sample (Horizon Research), sample frame matched to the demographics of Auckland population for age, gender, income, employment and education levels,
2 Method Potential for selection bias, self-selection bias, interviewer effects What was the sample size? margin of error? Potential for non-response bias
2 Method Potential for selection bias, Online- so respondents have to have access to the internet, research panel sample frame chosen by Horizon-may not totally reflect Auckland population eg where people live and ethnicity not mentioned in the demographic list, What was the sample size? 1000 margin of error? 3.1% Potential for non-response bias
3 What are the findings? Potential for question effects, survey format effects, behavioural bias How were the “measures” defined? e.g. a “measure” could be ‘bullying’, ‘violence on TV’
3 What are the findings? Potential for question effects support for the 4 big projects not questioned, options geared to produce support for tolling in some form. Behavioural Anonymous so no interviewer effects
4 What are the findings? are graphics/ summaries appropriate ?
5 What claims (inferences) are made? are the claims for the target group? Potential for transfer of findings can I verify the claims made?
6 What information is missing? ty-bachttps:// ty-bac
7 Am I willing to believe the findings of this survey or do I need more convincing?
Can I make a judgement and justify my judgement with at least 3 pieces of evidence from 1 to 6 above?