Oklahoma Stocker Management Practices Results from the assessment distributed with Oklahoma Beef Cattle Manuals
1 = Nearly always, 7 = Rarely if ever
1 = Don’t buy calves with horns, 2 = Dehorned, 3 = Tipped, 4 = Neither
1 = Annually, 2= Every other year, 3 = Once every 3-4 yrs., 4 = Rarely, 5 = Never, 6 = N/A
1 = Nearly always, 7 = Rarely if ever
1 = Do not deworm calves, 2 = At time of purchase, 3 = Every days, 4 = At turnout and again mid growing season, 5= Other
1 = Nearly always, 7 = Rarely if ever
1 = Extremely Important, 7 = Extremely Unimportant
1 = Very Important, 7 = Very Unimportant
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