LIU-SPS RF Power upgrade | 09 December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

LIU-SPS RF Power upgrade | 09 December 2015

2015 Highlights – 200 MHz  Drivers Deep tests of the demonstrators, RF transistors soldering difficulties, controls non conformities, still ongoing  Finals SSPA option selected, contract under preparation (should be signed before Xmas), 400 V mains network by CERN’s team  Building BAF3 Bare building completed, ground floor with resine, crane installed and validated  Integration RF coaxial lines re-designed (specific flanges, specific ceramics, specific supporting systems), RF path defined and almost fully validated  Cavities and FPC (Fundamental Power Coupler) All cavity mechanical drawings reverse engineered, one spare section fully re-assembled, FPC new concept (coaxial with ceramic without inner line, first time world wide)

2016 Challenges – 200 MHz  Drivers Complete the demonstrators tests, launch the series production (150 units per year over the next two years)  Finals Design review, Demonstrator Site Acceptance Tests before end of November 2016 and validation for the two series transmitters  Building BAF3 Integration of all services, water cooling, HVAC, Electrical network and RF power control room  Integration RF coaxial lines construction, tests and validation, preparation for EYETS installation from BAF3 to LSS3 at the entrance of the tunnel  Cavities and FPC (Fundamental Power Coupler) Two spare sections fully re-assembled and vacuum tested, four pre-series FPC for medium power tests, HOMS feedthroughs construction and test of 100 units

2015 Highlights – 800 MHz  IOT#2 & IOT#3 electrical mains instabilities understood Force mains network and control mains network will be separated during YETS  Two power systems 100 % available at full power all along the year  Solution for spares found after company bankrupt Mitigation with contractor, free spares instead of penalties  Fully learnt and understood IOT’s behavior New grid cleaning process to avoid grid contamination due to vaporization of barium, inducing emissivity loss and shortening tube lifetime, thermal characterization of SSPA drivers

2016 Challenges – 800 MHz  Drivers New units with better thermal and power characteristics  IOTs Lifetime management (currently 9000 to hours), spare tubes management  Transmitters First maintenance scheme to be defined  Spare cavity & spare FPC Third cavity under construction to be a spare, new FPC design and four pre-series construction, resonant ring for FPC tests

2015 Highlights – HBWD  Strip line kickers Two units in the SPS (one with final version feedthroughs, one to be exchanged), all feedthroughs delivered, third kicker prepared and ready for installation  Slotted line kickers Design under progress, first 3D model and 2D drawings completed, components ordered and partially delivered 2016 Challenges – HBWD  Strip line kickers Two final version units in the SPS during YETS, third kicker as spare in lab with the same feedthroughs  Slotted line kickers (if FTEC granted) Construction of one prototype for measurements in lab, preparation for installation during EYETS (very challenging) or during following YETS (more realistic)