1 作業系統 Operating System Instructor –Lu, Neng-Pin ( 盧能彬 ) –ftp:// /npluftp:// /nplu Textbook –Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, and Gerg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition, Wiley, bcs/Books?action=index&itemId= &bcsId= bcs/Books?action=index&itemId= &bcsId=8390 Grading –Mid Exam (35%) –Final Exam (35%) –Homework, Quiz, Attendance, etc. (30%)
2 Attention, Please! Time Attention 20 min conclusion
3 *** Course Objectives *** 本課程提供之核心能力 – 資訊管理知能 (50%) – 跨領域學習 (50%) 本課程將涵蓋以下 AACSB 學習目標 : BSIM-LG2: Students will acquire understanding of Information Technology and its applications. BSIM-LG2-LO2: Students will acquire some understanding of information technology foundations.
4 Application Software MS Office, Web Browser, Game,... MS Office, Web Browser, Game,... Operating System MS Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Unix, Linux, iOS, Android,... Computer Hardware PC, Workstation, SmartPhone, iPad,... Computer Hardware Operating System Applications Software A Computer System
5 Course Stuff Things you’ll be learning: –how a operating system works –issues affecting modern operating systems Why learn this stuff? –to be a operating system designer –to write software people use –to make a purchasing decision