Farming,social class, Religion Land issues, Loyalty to Britain a.Describe what we see b.Describe the history behind the image (explain the image using the info from the textbook-explain why we would see this)
Farming a. There are crops, house, fence, wagon, people, and trees. It looks like the early newcomers had cut the trees and made space to do farming. b. When the British colonists came to North America, they faced some challenges. The environment was very harsh compared to their homeland. There were thick forests and rocky areas and the environment in which the Aboriginal people had settled in was difficult to live for the British colonists. We would see this because the colonists wanted to make a living by farming instead of hunting. Therefore they cut down trees make space and started farming.
Social Class a. Here are the social class of people in Europe in 19 th century. The top tier represents the upper class such as the aristocrats, and the bottom tier represents the lower class such as farmers. b. The British immigrants wanted to be freed from class system which existed in Europe. By coming to North America they expected a class-free country, but the upper class wanted to keep the class system. This made the lower class immigrants such as farmers wanting American style the democracy.
Religion a. This image looks like a view of a city center, with church and possibly city hall on the left. b. This shows that the religion of the British people was Christianity based on the church we see in the image. It is likely that this was a primary religion given that there aren’t any signs of other religion such as Catholics. We would see this because the British brought the religion with them when they immigrated to Canada.
Land Issues a. This image looks like it represents the coarse land that the immigrants were forced to buy because much of the good land were already taken by the absentee landlords and land spectators. b. Many of the British immigrants who came over to North America wanted good far m lands; however, that was not possible because much of the land was already taken by the absentee landlords and land spectators.
Loyalty to Britain a. There are people who are well dressed, mansion, roads, and houses. b. These people look like the upper class who have the privileges. They seem like the people who wanted to keep the Britain way of living such as keeping the class system, British style architectures, and British style clothes. We see this because the upper class wanted to keep the life style they had in Britain.