The Five Themes of Geography There’s like, 5 of them.
Location! #1: Location ◦Absolute The exact spot on Earth where a place can be found ◦ Latitude & Longitude ◦ Street Address ◦ GPS Relative ◦ Location of a place in relation to another (near, far, north of, a short drive to, across from, etc.)
Place #2: Place (the Most difficult one!) Physical Features ◦Things made by nature (Landforms, climate, water, plants, animal life) Human Characteristics ◦Things made by man (Culture, bridges, roads, cities, governments, language, POPULATION DENSITY)
Physical or Human?
Region #3: Region ◦Places that are grouped together based on physical features, or human characteristics Human Region: Grouped by language, population, history. Physical Regions: grouped by climate, natural resources Service Regions: Explains where a service is available (Pizza Time, 517, Bus pick up) Political Regions: City, State, County, Country
MOVEMENT #4: Movement ◦How people, animals, plants, goods and ideas move from one place to another. ◦MIGRATE: to move from one area to settle in another. ◦Reasons for moving: Problems (poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs, war) PUSH FACTORS Advantages (employment, schools, freedom, peace) PULL FACTORS ◦Barriers to movement: Mountains, Rivers Canyons
HEI (Human Environment Interaction) #5: Human Environment Interaction ◦Humans depend on, adapt to and modify the world Adaptation: Adapt to the natural resources available (houses, soil, clothing, land) Interaction: Can be positive or negative ◦ (recycle, plant, cut down trees, pollute) Environment can effect people with natural disasters (Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados)
How are these examples of HEI?