Picasso-Memoir Project Spring 2011
What is a memoir? “a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.”“a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.” “Usually, memoirs are an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography.”“Usually, memoirs are an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography.” “a biography or biographical sketch.”“a biography or biographical sketch.”
Why Picasso? Abstract portrait artistAbstract portrait artist “Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it?”“Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it?” Pablo PicassoPablo Picasso “Just like it takes many small streams to make a giant river, it takes many small strokes for an individual to be created”“Just like it takes many small streams to make a giant river, it takes many small strokes for an individual to be created”
Sophomore Year Theme = Cultural AwarenessTheme = Cultural Awareness We have examined multiple religions, cultures, and conflicts. By analyzing people and events we can develop a better understanding of who we are; and more importantly how to understand the people around us.We have examined multiple religions, cultures, and conflicts. By analyzing people and events we can develop a better understanding of who we are; and more importantly how to understand the people around us.
What will you be graded on? Part 1: MemoirPart 1: Memoir Part 2: Self-PortraitPart 2: Self-Portrait Part 3: Explanation of portraitPart 3: Explanation of portrait Part 4: Peer PresentationPart 4: Peer Presentation Part 5: Final reflectionPart 5: Final reflection
Sophomore: Project Criteria Memoir (1)Memoir (1) –What events have transpired in my life that have changed my “self- portrait”? –In what ways have these events helped you to read the world the way you do? –Where did I come from; where am I going? –How has civilization and culture influences helped me to develop connections in the world? THESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED IN YOUR MEMOIRTHESE QUESTIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED IN YOUR MEMOIR Self-Portrait (2) w/ written explanation of each of the 8 objects (3)Self-Portrait (2) w/ written explanation of each of the 8 objects (3) –Minimum of 8 objects of symbols that make you who you currently are…. Peer Presentation (4)Peer Presentation (4) Final Reflection (5)Final Reflection (5) -Meta-cognitive writing.
Literacy Memoir You will choose Three events that have transpired in your life that have changed or helped you to develop your “self-portrait”.You will choose Three events that have transpired in your life that have changed or helped you to develop your “self-portrait”. For each event:For each event: –Give a detailed description of the event. –Thoughtful reflection and explanation for how this event has changed your life (good and bad) Minimum of three pagesMinimum of three pages –Typed –Double-spaced –12 pt font (Times New Roman) –Include a title for each event –Introduction and Conclusion DUE Tuesday, May 17 th !!DUE Tuesday, May 17 th !! Plan accordingly!!Plan accordingly!!
Self-Portrait Self-Portrait w/ written explanation of it symbolsSelf-Portrait w/ written explanation of it symbols –You portrait must consist of 8 objects that make you who you currently are. You will give a brief presentation that will explain your portrait. At this time, your written explanation and portrait are due.You will give a brief presentation that will explain your portrait. At this time, your written explanation and portrait are due. Presentations:Presentations: May 16 th -17 th
For Today 1.Create a Web of 8 items (or objects) that you feel could make up your self-portrait. Due Tomorrow (5/3)Due Tomorrow (5/3) 1.Begin the rough draft of your memoir Needs to have all three eventsNeeds to have all three events Can be hand writtenCan be hand written Due FridayDue Friday