Bullying In Schools By: Brittany Sloan & Ashley Jordan
What is Bullying? Aggressive behavior Occurs mostly among school age children Power take over Can occur: physically, mentally & emotionally Very common today
Pro vs. Con Should there be a stricter law and policy enforced for bullying? Should the bullying laws and policies stay the same?
Pro Stricter law: lower occurrences of bullying Will create safer learning environment Remove distractions Nationwide law & policy Reduce suicides/ mental issues Increase confidence in former victims
Con Stricter Law &Policy Suspension only sets fire for bullies Possible wrongful punishing Doesn’t always stop bullies Same Law and Policy Not adequate for every state No progress in anti- bully movement More occurrences of bullying
Popular Organizations Stopbully.gov- give information/ prevention Pacer Center Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Stomp Out Bullying Bullying.org Sears Other websites and organizations
Discussion What do you think is being done today pertaining to bullying in schools? How will you handle bullying issues in your classes/school when you become a teacher?
References (2013). Retrieved 04 11, 2013, from bullying.org: (2013). Retrieved 04 11, 2013, from Stomp Out Bullying: Bullying Definition. (2013). Retrieved 04 11, 2013, from Stop Bullying: bullying/definition/ Button, A. (2013). Pros & Cons of Stricter Enforcement of Disciplinary Actions to Stop Bullying. Retrieved 04 11, 2013, from ehow: actions-stop-bullying.html