Thursday, November 12, 2015 Homework Read Ch. 13 Sec. 1 pgs. 444 – 453 and define 11 key terms Current Event wrksht due Monday. Get quiz signed if under 72 Do Now On pg. 445 of your txbk answer “using geography skills” 1 and 2
Chapter 4: Early African Civilizations
Section 1 :Geography and Early Societies in Africa
Geography of Africa 2 nd largest continent in the world Largest deserts Sahara and Kalahari Rain forest – “nature’s greenhouse” Tsetse fly prevent Africans from raising cattle Most people in Africa live on the savannas - 50% of the continent Mediterranean region northern coast and southern tip Niger River – Important river in West Africa
Early Humans of Africa Historian believe earliest humans came from the Great Rift Valley in Eastern Africa Earliest people were nomadic hunter- gatherers (some people today) Some were herders or pastoralists of cattle, goat or sheep Farming developed around 6000 B.C. – allowed for a settled life Leaders of the early African villages consisted of a chief and a council
Friday, November 13, 2015 Homework Current Event due Monday! Review notes! Do Now What technological advances have allowed people to overcome geography barriers to trade?
Early African society and culture Organized into family groups they developed belief systems Monotheistic animism – a religion in which spirits play an important role in regulating daily life Few society had written language Storytelling was a way to share history and literature West Africa had griots storytellers
Early West Africa Earliest known culture was the Nok people lived in modern day Nigeria Developed iron tools for farming and weapons Historians believe Africans in this region made one of one of greatest migrations Made by Bantu-speaking people
Monday, November 16, 2015 Homework On pg. 453 of txbk, answer 1,2 and 3 Quiz Thursday on Ch. 4 sec. 1 and 2 notes Do Now On pg. 449 of txbk, answer 1 and 2 "connecting to the past"
West African Kingdoms Empires in the west grew rich from trading gold and salt Camels are used for trade – "ships of the deserts" First kingdom to develop was Ghana Ghana became rich from: Taxing traders Conquering neighboring villages which owned gold mines
Rise of Mali West African kingdom Warrior-King known as Sundiata Keita conquered Ghana in 1200s His conquests put Mali in control of gold and salt mining Conquered lands along Atlantic coast line Starts to decline after the ruler Mansa Musa
Rise of Songhai In 1468, leader Sunni Ali – leader of Songhai Took of salt mines in West Africa from the Niger River Sunni Ali built largest empire in West Africa
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 Homework Read Ch. 13 Sec. 2 in txbk On pg. 467 of txbk answer 1 and 4 Study for quiz Thursday on Ch. 4 Sec. 1 and 2 notes Do Now What do you think our state (NY) makes or produces that people in other places want?
East African Kingdoms Much older kingdoms than the west African kingdoms Ethiopia traces their history to 1005 B.C. Rise of Axum a city-state Trading center – fought with Kush for control of trade routes King Ezana conquers Kush and bring Christianity to his kingdom
East African Kingdoms Along the east African coast there were many trading posts (Kilwa, Mombasa and Zanzibar) Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula invented a wind-catching, triangular sail called dhows Great trading center on coast of S.E. Africa - Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Founded around A.D. 700 Supplied gold, copper and ivory Empire stretched from Zambezi River Indian Ocean Capital was called Great Zimbabwe
Section 2 : Africa’s Government and Religion
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Homework Study for quiz tomorrow Ch. 4 Sec. 1 and 2 quiz notes Get test signed if 72 and under Do Now
Ghana’s Government King of Ghana worked with council of ministers divided empire in provinces, then smaller districts Nobody could trade without the Kings consent! Position of King is inherited by the King’s nephew Form of currency was gold
Mali’s Government Kings divided empire into provinces – led by generals People accepted this system because they were protected from outside invaders Royal officials had many different responsibilities such as: Supervising fishing in the Niger River Oversee farming Manage money
Songhai’s Government Modeled after the traditions of Mali and Ghana Founder was Sunni Ali Died mysteriously Songhai general Muhammad Ture (Askia Muhammad) took control of govt. Loyal Muslim Religious ideas affected government. Set up 150 schools to teach Muslim
Thursday, November 19, 2015 Homework Read ch. 13 sec. 3 in txbk and define key terms Test Tuesday on Ch. 4 Do Now Quiz today!
African Religions Africa is composed of 3 religions: Islam Brought to Africa by Muslim traders and rulers North Africa is predominantly Muslim Christianity Traditional African Religions One supreme god The Igbo believe through ancestors spirits they could talk to their god
Section 3: African Culture
Life in Early Africa Around 3000 B.C., Bantu migrations moved all over the continent - African cultures share common ideas and traditions Lived in extended families Bantu villages were matrilineal – traced descent through mothers Some people thought ancestors reborn in a child! (such as Yoruba)
Friday, November 20, 2015 Homework Study for test Tuesday on Ch. 4 Do Now What is a common tradition in your family?
Education and Community Education done through family Griots helped teaching children history --> Oral history Lesson taught through short proverbs "Good deed will make a good neighbor"
Role of Women Act as a wife and mother Some served as soldiers in African Kingdoms Also served as rulers --> Dahia al-Kahina and Nzinga Queen Nzinga – ruled Angola and Congo in 1600s Known for military leadership Defended kingdom from Portuguese slave traders
History of Slavery in Africa Slavery existed in Africa long before the Europeans Bantu chiefs raided villages for captives became slaves Criminals also became slaves Enslaved Africans could win freedom through: Hard work at a specific task Marrying a free person In 1400s, Portugal starts to capture Africans on the West coast of Africa sell them into slavery – beginning of European enslavement of Africans
Monday, November 23, 2015 Homework Study for test tomorrow on Ch. 4 notes Get quiz signed if under 72 Do Now On pg. 476 of txbk, answer 1,2 and 4
African culture: Art African Diaspora – the spreading of African people and culture around the world Earliest form of African art – rock paintings Showed people hunting, dancing, doing chores etc. Woodcarvers – made masks and statues Weavers designed cloth Kente is a colorful woven cloth worn by tribal chiefs
African Music and Dance Music used to express religious feelings Instruments used were drums, whistles, horns, flutes or banjos Dance allowed spirits to express themselves Celebrate events such as birth and death
African Achievements Kingdom Axum made many achievements developed writing language Minted coins out of bronze, silver and gold Created method of farming called terrace farming Askumites were also skilled builders