Strategy Markup Language (StratML) Enterprise Content Management Association (AIIM)
1 Agenda StratML Scope & Vision StratML Benefits StratML Proposal to AIIM Progress to Date –Strategic plan core schema –Strategic plan rendering –Search & discovery prototype StratML core schema & elements
2 StratML Vision StratML is a proposed XML vocabulary and schema for strategic plans as well as performance plans and performance reports The initial focus has been on the core elements of the strategic plans U.S. federal agencies are required to compile and maintain under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) The vision is to establish StratML as an international (ISO) voluntary consensus standard for potential use by all organizations worldwide
5 Why StratML? Standardization Search & Discovery Line of Site Reduce Resource & Application Dependency
6 StratML Project Proposal to AIIM E-Gov Act requires agencies to: –“…link their performance goals... to key groups, including citizens, businesses, and other governments, and to internal Federal Government operations.” –“…work collectively in linking their performance goals to groups [of stakeholders] and … use information technology in delivering Government information and services to those groups.” Supports AIIM’s mission of developing: –The tools and technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes.
7 StratML Project Proposal to AIIM Scope statement: –An XML schema (XSD) will be specified containing the semantic elements that are common to the strategic plans of all organizations worldwide. Examples include vision, mission, values, goals, objectives, metrics, and stakeholders. –The XSD will not include stylistic elements. –To the extent that may be appropriate, the XSD will be modular so that organizations can use any logically separable part of it without being bound to using all of its components. In addition, the schema will be extensible in the sense that any organization can add any element (s) it chooses to meet its own more specialized needs/desires without losing the benefits of the base schema.
8 StratML Progress to Date Phase 1A (completed) –Elements and definitions deemed essential (core) to any strategic plan are logically structured into an XML schema that is consistent with the intent, purpose, and lexicon of the GPRA and best practices of the Strategic Planning and Performance Management (SPPM) process. –StratML Value Proposition White Paper Phase 1B (completed) –The vocabulary and schema has been tested with 100+ strategic plans –The goal and objective statements contained in those plans were rendered in XML and the capability to search for and discover related goals and objectives across agencies has been demonstrated. –StratML Results & Summary White Paper Next Steps –AIIM’s Standards Board approved StratML for inclusion in its standards program at its meeting in September –Establish StratML as an international (ISO) voluntary consensus standard for potential use by all organizations worldwide
9 Strategic Plan Schema & Rendering Phase 1A elements and definitions for the core strategic plan were created using GEFEG XML editing software. Phase 1B goal and objective statements were rendered in XML using: –Business Web Software’s AchieveForms –Microsoft InfoPath –Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) fillable form –Microsoft Word –XOPUS
10 Search & Discovery Prototype Mark Logic Corporation created a prototype to demonstrate the following capabilities: –Ingest: The 100+ sample strategic plans rendered in XML were ingested instantaneously, without the need of any especial configuration changes or pre-processing steps. As they were loaded, these documents were automatically indexed, and the various XML tags were identified. –Query: Once ingested, an XQuery application that utilizes the native structure of the rendered plans to query the different parts of the strategic plans was developed. –Manipulate: The prototype allows users to build synthetic documents based on selected sections of different plans.
12 StratML Core Schema & Vocabulary Summary & Results Whitepaper Appendix C – pdf pdf
13 StratML Contact Information Adam Schwartz Government Printing Office (202) Owen Ambur Department of the Interior (Retired) Betsy A. Fanning AIIM Director, Standards & Content