Sketch an Olmec Community Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico 900 BCE
Draw two mountains – one on the west side and one on the east side, keep a valley in the middle. South Central Mexico
Make a valley between the two mountains.
Draw 6 huts with thatched roofs in the valley.
Draw an opening for each hut.
Draw a string/s of chili peppers drying by the door/s..
Include house gardens with chili peppers, tomatoes & avocados.
Dr aw a nearby communal field of corn, beans and squash.
The Three Sisters: companion gardening
Add a communal waste area (midden).
Near the door, add a storage jar and pottery bowl.
Add a pen of turkeys and rabbits
Surround this little community with mesquite scrub and prickly pear cactus.
Draw a water source beginning in the mountains with snow melt. Draw a fire pit here and there
In the distance, draw a towering 8,000’ mountain peak
HOMEWORK: … Write 3 or 4 journal or diary entries as a young person living in this Olmec community circa 900 BCE. 1entry=1paragr. Re-draw your Olmec community and label all you can. Be creative, colorful…