BELL QUIZ: USE PAGES ) What was the official slogan of the hippies? 2) Describe hippie fashion. 3) What California city became the hippie capital of the world? 4) What British rock band came to America in 1964 influencing fashion and rock ‘n’ roll? 5) Name 3 musicians who performed at Woodstock in August 1969.
BELL QUIZ ANSWERS 1)Tune in, Turn on, Drop out. 2)Ragged and torn jeans, tie-dyed T-shirts, military garments, love beads, Indian jewelry and attire, long hair, flowers in the hair. 3)San Francisco 4)The Beatles 5)Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, Joan Baez, The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane.
COUNTERCULTURE The counterculture movement was the nickname given to youth in the 1960’s who rejected mainstream American society and values and their parents way of life. Philosophy: This is America so I can do whatever I want. Philosophy of average citizens: What they are doing doesn’t affect me. Let them do what they want as long as they are happy (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness). Basically, anything goes.
HIPPIE SLOGAN “Tune in, Turn on, Drop out.” Created by Harvard psychology professor Timothy Leary to get Americans to embrace psychedelic drug use, especially the use of LSD. Leary will be fired. 'Tune in' meant to use drugs to open your mind to new perspectives. 'Turn on' meant be a part of the modern change in society…the youth movement. Drop out of society and its commitments. Self- reliance. Do what you want to do rather than what is expected by authority figures and society. KLo&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&sa fe=active KLo&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&sa fe=active
HIPPIE CULTURE The hippie culture was marked by rock ‘n’ roll music, outrageous clothing, sexual freedom (free love-good timing for the invention of birth control), and drug use (marijuana and LSD). Wore torn jeans, loose clothes, tie-dyed t-shirts, military garments, love beads, and Indian jewelry. Long hair was “in” to show rebellion. ch?v=_DHxi7HSx84&feature=r elated&safety_mode=true&pe rsist_safety_mode=1&safe=act ive (Next Slide) ch?v=_DHxi7HSx84&feature=r elated&safety_mode=true&pe rsist_safety_mode=1&safe=act ive
COMMUNES The hippie capital of the world was located in San Francisco at the corners of Haight and Ashbury streets because California didn’t outlaw hallucinogenic drugs until Hippies lived together in communes and shared EVERYTHING. “Love-ins” and “Human- Be-ins”
MUSIC Hippies embraced rock ‘n’ roll music and protest songs. Musicians like the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and the Doors became very popular.
SEXUAL REVOLUTION Sexual revolution=American attitudes toward sexual behavior became more casual, permissive, and open. TV, books, magazines, and music began addressing subjects that had once been only discussed in private. Birth control invented (eliminated the consequences of immorality). 2 pornographic magazines companies become popular: Playboy and Penthouse. Result=more liberal and immodest clothing (mini skirt and string bikini), tolerance for people who are “different”, lack of respect for the social norms, open topics of conversation. Moral decay?