Prehistoric Cave Paintings
Chauvet Cave Wild horses, bison, mammoths, bears, panthers, owls, deer, <-RHINOS, and wild goats were all depicted.
Example of rendered horses
Pech-Merle Cave Known specifically for dotted, stylized horses. 16,000 BCE in Dordogne, France Depicts silhouettes of hands. Has both positive and negative imagery.
2 minutes of your time! Sketch a depiction of what you think a positive and negative hand looks like in your notebook. GO!
Altamira Cave Santander, Spain Sculptural effects were created with painted animals over rock formations. Upper Paleolithic Period? Early, middle, later?
Altamira’s ceiling
Lascaux Cave Dordogne, France North or South? Bulls, deer, and horses all depicted realistically along natural surfaces.
Early example of Narrative Possible story or depiction of a shaman. Shaman: “a person regarding to have access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits.” Possible? Thoughts?