Shakespeare and Iambic Pentameter Mr. Horton
William Shakespeare Born April 23, 1564 Died April 23, 1616 Lived During Queen Elizabeth’s Reign People known as “Elizabethans” Born April 23, 1564 Died April 23, 1616 Lived During Queen Elizabeth’s Reign People known as “Elizabethans”
Elizabethans Black Plague was prevalent Plague was spread by fleas People hated dogs This led to bearbaiting Black Plague was prevalent Plague was spread by fleas People hated dogs This led to bearbaiting
Entertainment Bearbaiting - Tying a bear to a stake as it fights dogs Cockfighting – betting on two chickens fighting to the death Public Executions – beheadings and hangings Shakespearean Plays Bearbaiting - Tying a bear to a stake as it fights dogs Cockfighting – betting on two chickens fighting to the death Public Executions – beheadings and hangings Shakespearean Plays
Why did Shakespeare write plays? To get paid. Period. Plays filled with sex, violence, and jokes Larger the audience, the more money To get paid. Period. Plays filled with sex, violence, and jokes Larger the audience, the more money
Audience Filled with drunks, fighting, vomiting The pit was congregated by groundlings, pennypinchers, and penny stinkers The seated area was for the upper class The higher you sat, the more expensive the seat Filled with drunks, fighting, vomiting The pit was congregated by groundlings, pennypinchers, and penny stinkers The seated area was for the upper class The higher you sat, the more expensive the seat
Blank Verse Blank Verse – Unrhymed Iambic Pentameter
How do you count syllables in a word?
Nope. Not by clapping.
How do you count syllables in a word?
How do you count syllables? Count syllables by counting how many times your chin drops. Every chin movement is one syllable.
Sounds Vowel sounds are open mouth sounds Consonant sounds are closed mouth sounds Vowel sounds are open mouth sounds Consonant sounds are closed mouth sounds
Rhyming Define a rhyme.
Rhyming A rhyme is when the final syllable of a word has the same final vowel sound, and if it exists, the same final consonant sound
Slant Rhyme A slant rhyme is when the final syllable shares the same vowel sound but a different ending consonant sound like – “hate” and “cake” Or –”pay” and “Jake” A slant rhyme is when the final syllable shares the same vowel sound but a different ending consonant sound like – “hate” and “cake” Or –”pay” and “Jake”
Iamb An iamb is un unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Ralph Lauren An iamb is un unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Ralph Lauren
Pentameter Pentameter means there are five sets of two syllables per line. That means ten syllables per line.
Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote in poetry because the educated enjoyed hearing poetry, and the actors could more easily remember their lines. It just sounds better. Euphony. Opposite - Cacophony Shakespeare wrote in poetry because the educated enjoyed hearing poetry, and the actors could more easily remember their lines. It just sounds better. Euphony. Opposite - Cacophony
Shakespeare, Elizabethans, and Blank Verse Good Luck Champs!
Study Hard!