1 1 Arctic and North Seas Products Coordinated by IMR P17, Helge Sagen JRA 8
2 2 Partners involved P #NameMonthsP #NameMonths 17IMR5.15SMHI1.0 3BODC1.08OGS1.0 4BSH1.014CLS0.8 9RIHMI-WDC3.018NERI1.0 16ULg/G HER1.019ICES3.0 20IES-JRC3.025VLIZ0.5 23RWS-RIKZ1.026MRI1.0 24RBINS-MUMM1.0TOTAL25.4
3 3 Objectives (1) Preparation and dissemination of regional statistical products like mean, seasonal and monthly climatological fields and trends from all available historical and recent data collected over the North Seas for: Improving of the data service to a wider range of users Quality checks of the observation data –Residual problems in data are detected by comparing with the gridded fields values
4 4 Objectives (2) Preparation and dissemination of regional statistical products like mean, seasonal and monthly climatological fields and trends from all available historical and recent data collected over the North Seas for: Check of coherence between climatologies and statistics computed in the different regions Check the technical performances of the SEADATANET system when extracting snapshots of quality checked observation data from TAs with a forseen 6 monthly period of updating the statistics
5 5 Description of work (1) The products will be specified and validated form existing pratices, in cooperation with all the regional experts of the countries involved in Arctric and North Seas reserach with special attention to guidelines and requirements provided by ongoing programmes. To ensure the best possible quality of these data products, all the available in-situ and remote sensing data (at the ocean surface) will be used for the computations and the results will be validated in cooperation with all the regional experts. In return, feedback will be given on the quality of data processed. The communication and harmonization aspects with other regions will be taken charge of by JRC (P20), CLS (P14) and ICES (P19).
6 6 Description of work (2) JRA8.1Coordination of the activity including recommendations for improving the methodology and for operating it in routine mode with emphasis on the regional priorities JRA8.2Preparation and dissemination of the estimates of the annual seasonal statistics and trends on grid points of the sea surface from co-located in-situ and satellite data transfered by regular snapshots of the interconnected transnational in-situ and satellite platforms: –Temperature, dynamic height/altimetry, salinity (from 2007, when a satellite salinity sensore will be available), wind and sea state, sea ice
7 7 Description of work (3) JRA8.3Preparation and dissemination of the best estimates of the annual and seasonal statistics and trends on grid points and on the whole water coloumn from in-situ observations –Temperature, salinity, current and biological parameters JRA8.4Quality checks and harmonization with the other regional data products
8 8 Milestones M11First test results presented to the Annual Workshop M23Regional workshops: cross checks of the observed data versus gridded data coherency checks between different regional products M35Results and inter-comparisons to be presented at the Annual Workshop M47Results to be presented at the International Conference M53Products production on operational mode
9 9 Deliverables (1) #TitleTaskLeadWhenNature 1 Specifications for the Arctic North Seas Products 8.1P17M6Protocol 2 Benchmark of surface and sub- surface products P16 P17 M11Data maps 3 Validated surface products: mean annual/seasonal temperature, chlorophyll/sea colour, altimetry/dynamic height 8.2P16 P17 M23Data maps 4 Validated sub-surface products: mean annual/seasonal temperature, salinity, nutrients, current 8.3P16 P17 M23Data maps
10 Deliverables (2) #TitleTaskLeadWhenNature 5 Harmonization and quality assurance assessment 8.4 P17 P14 P19 P20 M23Report 6 Updated mean annual/seasonal surface products + surface salinity (in-situ + SMOS satellite data) 8.2P16 P17 M35Data maps 7 Updated sub-surface products: temperature, salinity, nutrients 8.3P16 P17 M35Data maps 8 Harmonization and quality assurance assessment 8.4 P17 P14 P19 P20 M35Report
11 Deliverables (3) #TitleTaskLeadWhenNature 9 Updated surface + sub-surface products + observation database published on DVD P16 P17 M47Data maps 1010 Harmonizatio and quality assessment) 8.4 P17 P14 P19 P20 M47Report 1 Updated products and routine mode P17 P4 M59Data maps 1212 Contribution to Final report 8.1P17M59Report