Status of PHENIX Drift Chamber Drift Chambers (DC) are one of the vital components of PHENIX central arms. During the last RHIC Run3 the major activities.


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Drift Chamber Monitoring
Supervisor: Amos Breskin
Presentation transcript:

Status of PHENIX Drift Chamber Drift Chambers (DC) are one of the vital components of PHENIX central arms. During the last RHIC Run3 the major activities with DC were concentrated on: Keep detector operational with best possible performance; Transfer/share operational procedures to new generation of students working on PHENIX project; Work on improvement of DC parameters.

Based on this Stony Brook team organized 6 month / 24 hours 2 experts technical support for DC; Work with each PHENIX shift crew to explain DC operation features, like: High Voltage, gas, electronics, on-line monitoring; Transfer to new HV manipulation software; Develop new on-line monitoring, calibrations; Repair broken wire in East chamber and part of electronics; Start operation of “Canary Chamber” - pilot detector to control DC gas properties; With team from PNPI (Russia) start work on improvement of detector resolution with “Slow Simulator”, which describes DC parameters up to single electron avalanche.

Significant work has been done to collect and improve detector documentation and instructions. New web page reflects most of the feature of DC construction, operation and software. During this brake we plan to replace most of Low Voltage converters on East DC. All preparations are underway now.


DC on-line monitoring page for one of p-p 2003 runs