ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Lauren Perham Social Studies/ Behavioral Sciences 3th Grade Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Goals: Students will be able to make wise decisions on how they should live and participate in the world. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: Students will understand the different roles of people in society. Process/Skills: Students will be able to work through real life applications and situations where economics plays a large role. Values/Dispositions: Identify values/dispositional objectives (Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of the Affective Domain).
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Rationale: This lesson is important because students need to know about the real world and the roles they will be expected to fill as adults. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards Identify standard(s) here 18.B.1a Compare the roles of individuals in group situations (e.g., student, committee member, employee/employer). National – NCSS Themes Identify theme(s) here
Describe the teaching and learning activity: Students will be given a list of male and female workers. They will match up the roles that they think go with each person. identify the resources/materials needed: worksheets with lists, pencil, paper Objective
Describe the teaching and learning activity: Students will be given a scenerio from the teacher about a real life situation dealing with roles. Each student will be asked to record their thoughts and then share with two to three other students and then with the entire class. identify the resources/materials needed: pencil, paper Intuitive
Positive/Strengths Describe the teaching and learning activity: Students will work in groups to support why the roles in society are necessary or not. They will present their knowledge to the other group. identify the resources/materials needed: textbook, internet/computer
Describe the teaching and learning activity: Have each student write one thing on the board that they are confused about or think needs fixing with roles today. This will give teachers the chance to explain and teach more in areas of student interest. identify the resources/materials needed: white board, marker Negatives/Weaknesses
Creative Describe the teaching and learning activity: Each student is given a life senerio. They will each have different roles to fill. In the end of the game, they will find out who survives and who does not make it. identify the resources/materials needed: paper, pencil
Thinking About Thinking
Describe the teaching and learning activity: Each student will be asked to describe their opinions on roles. This will be in the form of a written report. They may use any resource they can come up with as long as the reference it appropriately. identify the resources/materials needed: pencil, paper
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Visual Learning: NOTE: Be sure to include one image that is germane to the focus of your lesson on each of the 6 lesson activity PowerPoint slides. Assessment: 1. The students will be asked to present a poster of the information they have collected from their textbook, online sources, or from outside sources. Online Resources: 1.