New degrees and cocktail combos – science, engineering and health Nick Besley, Manager Marketing and Communications
2 New options in health, design and technology Developed with industry support Unique combinations Pathway options and internal transfers Specialised, new and unusual
3 Associate Degree - Aviation (Professional Pilots) Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Product Design) New degree new associate degree
4 New Program 2013 Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Product Design) Duration4 years full time CampusCity PrerequisitesUnits 3 & 4 English (any) and Maths (any) Key industry areas for employment are: Manufacturing and innovation Product design and development
New Double Degrees Science Chemical Engineering & Pharmaceutical Sciences Food Technology & Management Biotechnology & Biomedical Science
New Double Degrees Engineering Aviation & Management Mechanical Engineering & Biotechnology Automotive Engineering & Management Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Design Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics) & International Business
7 Strong support from industry Specialised roles in: health and medical science; electronics; aviation and air transport; agriculture and food production