Welcome to First Grade We invite you to take a look at our day together here at school!
First Grade Info Our day begins at 7:45 A phone call is appreciated, but a note is required for an absence Please call front office for ride change by 2:00 Lunch is at 11:15-11:45, Please join us anytime! Visitors-Background checks Send all medications to school nurse
First Grade Info Cont. * Boot Binder *Mandatory Parent Conferences Oct. 2 nd 3:15-6:00 Oct. 4 th 3:15-6:00 * Homework-Coming Soon -Reading nightly for 15 minutes -Math/Spelling
GRADES Numerical Grades will begin the Second Six Weeks Check grades online Progress Reports and Report Cards will be online! Some work will be sent home, other grades will be in your child’s Notebooks You are welcome to come visit us anytime!
Our Schedule 7:15-7:45 Arrival 7:45-8:05 Morning Meeting/ Skills Block 8:05-8:55 Writers Workshop 8:55-9:50 Readers Workshop 9:50-10:45 Specials / Teacher Conference 10:45-11:15 Calendar 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:15 Recess 12:15-1: 15 Math Workshop 1:15-1:50 Science/Social Studies 1:50-2::45 Centers / Reading Groups 2:45 Dismissal
Reading is what it’s all about!
Reading Goals/Readers Workshop * DRA Testing 3-16 (C-J) Beginning, Middle, and End of Year * Level C-J What does it look like? * Comprehension Guiding Questions; Make connections, predictions, checking for comprehension * Fluency Reading just right * Guided Reading Group- Books will be sent home in folder. Must be returned daily *Spelling-Coming Soon!
The challenge is on!! Every 1 st grader is to read 100 books…but we can do even better than that right?!
Speed to Read Challenge Guided Reading Books: Will count when read independently. The same book can be written down up to 2 times on their log for each turn. Non Fiction Books: Can be recorded as many times as read. Nascar Themed Books: Can be recorded as many times as read and they count double!!! Chapter Books: Each chapter counts as 1 book.
Speed to Read Reading Log: Mrs. Pollock will check the reading log and move your child’s car for every 10 books read. Even though each child is expected to read 100 books= 1million words, we want them to continue reading and logging books even if they have reached 100. Clara Love wants to win the challenge against Hatfield and Justin Elementary! A “just right” book is a book on your child’s reading level.
Writers Workshop *Opening, Work Period, Closing * The writing process -Planning -Drafting -Editing -Publishing *Story Ideas *Handwriting *Inventive Spelling is good! -mi kat iz cut
Math Assessments- B, M, E of year Assessing: Number Sense, Mental Math, Seeing and Counting Groups How can you help at home? *Play Dot Cards *Ask your child how many dots do you see? Can they see groups and not have to count by ones?
Science Ongoing Process Skills- collect data, measure, sort, predict Process, Inquiry, and Physical Systems – Parts of a whole, record changes in size, shape, mass, color Earth Systems- Rocks, soil, water Space- change occurs Life Systems- parts of plants and animals, living/non-living
Social Studies * Citizenship/Rules *Communities * Authority Figures * Traditions, Customs, Celebrations * Geography/Mapping * Texas Symbols * US Symbols
First Grade Behavior * Here at Clara Love we want to create a positive reward system (no colors)! *Choice Celebration- for making good choices *Character Lessons Extra Incentives: taking your shoes off, lunch in the classroom, treasure box School wide Expectations
Clara Love is a Pearson Model School!
Thank you for coming to Cookies and Curriculum, now enjoy some cookies and mingle!