Quiz Show Nouns
Nouns Concrete & Abstract Singular & Plural Common & Proper 10
10-Nouns What is a Noun?
20-Nouns Identify the noun(s) in the sentence. The baseball team lost because of a home run.
30-Nouns Is the noun a person, place, thing or idea? Happiness
10-Concrete & Abstract What is a concrete noun?
20-Concrete & Abstract What is an abstract noun?
30-Concrete & Abstract Is the following noun concrete or abstract? Frindship
10-Singular & Plural What is the difference between a singular & plural noun?
20-Singular & Plural Identify whether the underlined noun is singular or plural The fish was red with white stripes
30-Singular & Plural Identify whether the underlined noun is singular or plural Lots of deer crossed the street together.
10-Common & Proper What is the difference between a common & proper noun?
20-Common & Proper Give an example of a proper noun?
30-Common & Proper Give an example of a common noun?