What are noun? A noun is a term given to a naming word that names a person, place, animal, or thing. Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word which names it. That "naming word" is called a noun. Examples.- soldier - Alan - cousin - Frenchman (for people) rat - zebra - lion - aardvark (for animals) house - London - factory - shelter (for places) table - frame - printer - chisel (for objects) lead - nitrogen - water - ice ( for substances) kindness - beauty - bravery - wealth - faith (for qualities) rowing - cooking - barking - reading - listening (for actions) month - inch - day - pound - ounce (for measures)
Types of noun Common noun Proper Noun Abstract Noun Concrete Noun Countable Noun Uncountable Noun Compound Noun Collective noun Singular Noun Plural Noun Possessive Noun
Common noun This noun name people, places or things that are not specific. Example- Man, mountain, state, ocean, country, building, cat, airline. Let’s go to watch a live game at the stadium.
Proper Noun This noun name specific people, place, or things. Example- Walt Disney, Mount kilimanjaro, Minnesota, Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Empire State Building, Fluffy, Sun Country. Of all the places I’ve lived, Denver was best.
Abstract Noun This nouns that you can’t recognize with your five senses. Example- Love, happiness, pride, fear, belief, history, communication. Hope of success helps us to persevere in this difficult task.
Concrete Noun This noun that you can recognize with your five senses. Example- House, ocean, bird, photograph, banana, eyes, light, sun dog, flower. The yellow flowers flowed from a glass red vase.
Countable Noun This noun you can count. Example- Bed , cat, movie, train , country, book, phone, speaker, clock, pen , violin. She has three dogs.
Uncountable Noun This noun you can’t count. example- Milk, rice, snow, rain, water, food, music. He did not have much sugar left.
Compound Noun This noun are made up of two or more word. Example- Tablecloth, eyeglasses, new york, photograph, daughter-in-law, sunlight. Let’s just wait at this bus stop.
Collective noun This noun refer to things or people as a unit. Example- Bunch, audience, flock , team, group, family, band, village. The audience clapped wildly at the end of the play.
Singular Noun This noun name one person, place, thing, or idea. Example- Cat , sock, ship, hero, monkey, baby, match. The boy wants to play football
Plural Noun This noun name more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Example- Cats, socks, ships, heroes, monkeys, babies, matches. The goods were stolen.
Possessive Noun This noun show ownership. Example- Moms car, the students book. My car runs great.