Parts of Speech
Nouns: are words that name persons, places, things, or ideas.
Abstract Nouns: nous that you use when you are writing or thinking about feelings.
Concrete Nouns: when you name things that you can hear, taste, smell, touch or see.
Proper Nouns: name of particular persons, places, things or ideas.
Common Nouns: general not particular nouns.
Collective Nouns: a group of people or things. How many groups named by collective nouns are you a part of.
Compound Nouns: consists of two of more words.
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the names for these different types of nouns. The whole point of learning the names and functions of eight parts of speech is so that you can use them effectively-and correctly- when you write and speak.
Personal Pronouns: are the most used pronouns. I He You Me We Him Us She
Demonstrative Pronouns: points to specific persons or things. That This These Those
Interrogative Pronouns: Begin with a question : Who Whose Whom Which What Why
Reflexive Pronouns: end in –self or –selves and refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence. Myself Himself Itself Yourself Herself Themselves Ourselves