SAFEGUARD INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Practical Design Considerations REDD+ Day Rio Conventions Pavilion at UNFCCC COP21 7 December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

SAFEGUARD INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Practical Design Considerations REDD+ Day Rio Conventions Pavilion at UNFCCC COP21 7 December 2015

Developing a “system for providing information on how the [Cancun] safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of [REDD+] activities” is a key requirement for REDD+ under the UNFCCC Can be a challenging piece of REDD+ architecture – usually undertaken in the more advanced stages of the readiness process While significant progress has been made with other pillars of REDD+, most national REDD+ teams are only now ready to begin the important process of developing a SIS Introduction: Safeguard Information Systems (SIS)

UNFCCC Guidance for SIS Decision 12/CP.17 (Durban) Be consistent with the guidance [for policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to REDD+] Provide transparent and consistent information that is accessible by all relevant stakeholders and updated on a regular basis Be transparent and flexible to allow for improvements over time Provide information on how all of the safeguards are being addressed and respected Be country-driven and implemented at the national level Build upon existing systems, as appropriate a) b) c) d) e) f)

Questions asked: What does an SIS look like? How do we go about designing one? How much will it cost? To help answer these questions, UN-REDD carried out a consultative process with a range of REDD+ stakeholders – gathered early country experiences in SIS development Regional knowledge exchange workshops, interviews – resulted in practical design considerations SIS Design Challenges and Emerging Solutions

UN-REDD resource documents on SIS design Practical design considerations captured in:

Key Design Elements of an SIS

SIS objectives: what should the SIS achieve? Default - meeting UNFCCC requirements to obtain payments for results under REDD+, i.e. summary of information But information on how the environment and society are being safeguarded could contribute to a range of other domestic objectives: Funding accessed Improved NS/AP implementation Other international reporting requirements met

SIS functions: What will the SIS need to do?

Who will be responsible for operating the SIS, submitting the summary of information? In most cases existing institutions (defined by existing PLRs) will be mandated and capacitated to operate existing information systems New institutional arrangements, such as information sharing arrangements, may be needed to complement what already exists Institutions are primarily government but could also include other stakeholders – civil society, private sector, indigenous peoples, etc. Which stakeholders could contribute to which SIS functions? SIS Institutional Arrangements: Who will be responsible for performing the functions?

SIS Design Considerations: Key Takeaway Messages SIS development does not require establishment of an entirely new system -linked to existing policies, laws and regulations framework -And existing systems/sources of information SIS design and operation will be different in each country No generic “blueprint” Important steps in the process of a country’s approaches to safeguards will influence SIS design; these include -country’s clarification of the Cancun safeguards -Relating and linking the country approach to specific REDD+ policies and measures An SIS provides a strong basis for developing summaries of safeguards information

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