Transforming the Roman World World History I
New Germanic Kingdoms After the fall of Rome, Europe entered a period known as the Middle Ages. – Early Middle Ages, also known as the “Dark Ages,” lasted from approximately 500 AD – 1000 AD. By 500, the Western Roman Empire was replaced by a number of states ruled by German kings.states – Only the kingdom of the Franks will prove long-lasting. – Over time, the Germans and Romans began to intermarry and create a new society.
Changes in Europe Cities and towns were abandoned. – Bridges & roads fell into disrepair. – Life became rural and unsafe. – Wealthy families built fortified homes in the country. People gave up learning. – Churches and monasteries became the only places where people could read and write. Shortages of food and goods.
Germanic Society – The most important social bond to Germans was family (and extended family). German law was different from Roman law. – Crimes in Rome were committed against the state, while Germans considered crime personal, and it could lead to revenge. – Germans used the ordeal to determine guilt or innocence. The ordeal was based on a physical trial, and it was believed that if someone was innocent, divine forces (God) would not allow that person to be harmed. If the accused person recovered from the ordeal, they were innocent.
The Role of the Church The Roman Catholic Church was important in the development of the European civilization. – The Church replaced the Roman state as the unifying force in people’s lives. – By the 4 th Century, the church was organized with the pope as its leader. Under the pope was a group of bishops, who ruled a group of churches. Each local Catholic church was led by a priest.
The Role of the Church, cont. In the 6 th century, Gregory I strengthened the papacy (the office of the pope) and the Roman Catholic Church. – The growth of the church was helped by monks. Monks provided education, hospitality, medical care in their communities. Missionaries converted non-Christians to Catholicism. – By 1050, most western Europeans were Catholics. Women also dedicated their lives to God, becoming nuns.
Missionaries bringing Christianity to the Slavic people of Eastern Europe.
Charlemagne & the Carolingians Clovis, leader of the Franks, united many Barbarian tribes. He became a Christian to gain support of Europe’s Catholics. In 768, Charlemagne became leader of the Franks. – He was a fierce leader, strong statesman, and devoted Christian. Charlemagne greatly expanded the Frankish kingdom and created the Carolingian Empire, controlling much of West and Central Europe. In 800, Charlemagne was given a new title by the Pope – Emperor of the Romans.
The Crowning of Charlemagne
Charlemagne & the Carolingians, cont. – This period is known to historians as the “Holy Roman Empire.” Charlemagne promoted learning in his kingdom. – His efforts led to new interest in classic Latin, Greek, and Roman works. Most of the Roman works we still have today exist because they were copied by Carolingian monks.
After Charlemagne’s death, his empire was split among his heirs. The Carolingian Dynasty died out by 1000 A.D.