Evolution of Virtual Communities ARPA paper predicts emergence of virtual communities First ‘cyber community’ made up of researchers at ARPANet CBBS (the first BBS) ARPANET 1988 IRC 1992 WWW Virtual reality and VRML MOO 1995 Groupware, 3D immersive virtual world ARPA paper predicts emergence of VC Communityware 1980 MUD Usenet
Evolution of Virtual Communities Asynchronous, text-based communications : , BBS, Usenet CBBS (Computerized Bulletin Board System) electronic message-posting and file sharing network the primary kind of online community through the 1980s and early 1990s Usenet collection of user-submitted notes or messages on various subjects Form communities by subjects. Request netiquette. FAQ’s are provided CBBS (the first BBS) ARPANET 1988 IRC 1992 WWW Virtual reality and VRML MOO 1995 Groupware, 3D immersive virtual world ARPA paper predicts emergence of VC Communityware 1980 MUD Usenet
Evolution of Virtual Communities Synchronous, text-based communications (real time) : MUD, IRC, MOO MUD / MOO ongoing adventure games, educational or social Computerized “Avatar” some new MUDs use virtual reality settings IRC (Internet Relay Chat) CBBS (the first BBS) ARPANET 1988 IRC 1992 WWW Virtual reality and VRML MOO 1995 Groupware, 3D immersive virtual world ARPA paper predicts emergence of VC Communityware 1980 MUD Usenet
Evolution of Virtual Communities WWW utilize most CMC technologies CBBS (the first BBS) ARPANET 1988 IRC 1992 WWW Virtual reality and VRML MOO 1995 Groupware, 3D immersive virtual world ARPA paper predicts emergence of VC Communityware 1980 MUD Usenet