Warm up? What are the moral guidelines all Jewish people must follow? What other religions follow this code?
Today’s Vocab Bible: The Christian sacred text. Contains both the new and old testament. Salvation: The end goal for all Christians. Enter into Heaven. Resurrection: The belief that Jesus, the Messiah, rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven.
Origins Founder Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) 4BC-29AD Jewish carpenter Martyr A person that dies for a cause Christian examples include Jesus, Peter, Paul Apostles 12 original followers of Jesus Missionary A person that does religious work in another land. Method by which Christianity spread Ex: St. Paul
Sacred Texts The Bible Old Testament Originally Jewish Torah Portion of sacred text that explains creation New Testament Portion of text that explains life of Jesus Christ and his teachings Aka the Gospels
Major Beliefs 10 Commandments 10 rules of behavior from Judaism Monotheism (Lord as Father) 1 God: Jehovah Same God as Judaism Resurrection Jesus Christ rose from the grave 3 days after crucifixion Christian proof he is messiah (savior)
Early Church Structure 1 st Religion to be highly structured Pope Leader of entire church (Peter) Bishop Leader of regional area Priest Leader of local area
Goal of Christianity Salvation Heaven Reached through faith
Closing Explain how Christianity became the world’s most popular religion.