Alive-O 5 Term 1: Lesson 11 Joseph Wonders- Who is the One who is Coming?
Joseph and the Angel: A Good Dream An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. In his dream the angel said to Joseph: Do not be afraid, Joseph. Take Mary as your wife. She has become pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.
She will have a baby boy. You must call him Jesus. He is the One who will save his people.
Then Joseph woke up and remembered his dream. He was puzzled by his dream and thought about it for a while.
A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Immanuel, a name that means God is with us. Immanuel God is with us
As time passed, Joseph grew very excited at the thought of a new baby. He wondered what the baby would be like. He tried to imagine this baby boy growing up.
He wondered if he would work with him in the carpenter’s shop.
He imagined him going to school with the other boys and girls.
I must go and tell Mary my dream, he said, and ran off to find her.
Bible Search Matthew 1:20-25