djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Status of the FRIB Project and a New Fragment Separator D.J. Morrissey, NSCL & Dept. of Chemistry, Michigan State Univ. Projectile Fragmentation provides an enormous range of unusual ions without decay losses and without chemical speciation. 1)Search for n-Dripline 2)Future Facility Projectile Fragmentation provides an enormous range of unusual ions without decay losses and without chemical speciation. 1)Search for n-Dripline 2)Future Facility o1o
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Chemistry Biochemistry Physics Law Crop & Soil Sci. Parking The NSCL: a national user facility for rare isotope research and education 2oo8
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o The Neutron Drip Line for low Z nuclei The location of the neutron drip line is only known up to Oxygen! No 25, 26 O.. Fauerbach, et al. Phys. Rev. C53 (96) 647 Yes 34 Ne & 37 Na.. Notani et al., Phys. Lett. B542 (2oo2) 49 Yes 44 Si.. Tarasov, et al. Phys. Rev. C75 (o7) Yes 40 Mg & 42 Al.. Baumann, et al. Nature 449 (o7) 1022
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Where is the Neutron Drip line in Theory? Z=13 Yellow Squares: already observed Black Line: Finite-Range Liquid-Drop Moeller, et al. ADNDT 59 (1995) 185 Greeen Lines: Hartree-Foch-Bogoliubov Goriely, et al. Nucl.Phys. A750 (2oo5)425 Yellow Squares: already observed Black Line: Finite-Range Liquid-Drop Moeller, et al. ADNDT 59 (1995) 185 Greeen Lines: Hartree-Foch-Bogoliubov Goriely, et al. Nucl.Phys. A750 (2oo5)425
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Where is the Neutron Drip Line? Two Stage Separator Example of Beam Purification with a tandem separator: Fragment Separators set for maximum yield of 29 F 9+ Particle ID with equivalent total number of events 29 F, 27 F, 24 O highlighted in both figures One separator data is dominated by low-Z events that are rejected in tandem separator 7.6 days beam on W target, ~1x suppression during 40 Mg run Example of Beam Purification with a tandem separator: Fragment Separators set for maximum yield of 29 F 9+ Particle ID with equivalent total number of events 29 F, 27 F, 24 O highlighted in both figures One separator data is dominated by low-Z events that are rejected in tandem separator 7.6 days beam on W target, ~1x suppression during 40 Mg run – A1900: O. Tarasov, et al. Phys.Rev.C75 (2oo7) – A1900/S800: T. Baumann et al. Nature 449 (2oo7) 1022 – A1900: O. Tarasov, et al. Phys.Rev.C75 (2oo7) – A1900/S800: T. Baumann et al. Nature 449 (2oo7) 1022 nat W( 48 Ca, 29 F) 140 MeV/u A19oo & S8oo line A19oo only
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Systematics of Production: 44 Si 30 from 48 Ca 28 lower mass data from: – Mocko, et al. Phys. Rev. C74 (2oo6) – Notani, et al. Phys. Lett. B542 (2oo2) 49 O. Tarasov, et al. Phys.Rev.C75 (2oo7) Q g = MassExcess(20,48) - MassExcess(Z,A) O. Tarasov, et al. Phys.Rev.C75 (2oo7) Q g = MassExcess(20,48) - MassExcess(Z,A)
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Approaching the Neutron Drip Line New region O. Tarasov et al. PRL 102 (2oo9) Our work from 2oo7 in Nature 449 (2oo7) 1022 with the unexpected production of heavy aluminum isotopes was followed up with the observation late in 2oo8 of 15 new isotopes from 76 Ge beam using a new target-technique Our work from 2oo7 in Nature 449 (2oo7) 1022 with the unexpected production of heavy aluminum isotopes was followed up with the observation late in 2oo8 of 15 new isotopes from 76 Ge beam using a new target-technique Pink line is a prediction: Koura, Tachibana, Uno & Yamada Prog.Theo. Phys. 113 (2oo5) 305
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Approaching the Neutron Drip Line: a New region O. Tarasov et al. PRL 102 (2oo9) Pink line is a prediction: Koura, Tachibana, Uno & Yamada Prog.Theo. Phys. 113 (2oo5) 305 More importantly the variation of the production cross sections of some of the most exotic nuclei lie above the systematic slope … More importantly the variation of the production cross sections of some of the most exotic nuclei lie above the systematic slope …
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Approaching the Neutron Drip Line: b O. Tarasov et al. PRL 102 (2oo9) Pink line is a prediction: Koura, Tachibana, Uno & Yamada Prog.Theo. Phys. 113 (2oo5) 305 More importantly the variation of the production cross sections of some of the most exotic nuclei lie above the systematic slope … More importantly the variation of the production cross sections of some of the most exotic nuclei lie above the systematic slope …
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Theoretical Prediction of Intruder G.States Fig. 22 Variation of S 2n, solid points measured, open theory. Fig. 1 … The circles show the regions of intruder ground-state configurations. [Text suggests 62 Ti is center ]
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Aside: Radiation Damage Limit with 48 Ca ? On-line: a shift in particle ID (i.e., energy loss & TOF) Off-line: observed swelling of the target at the beam spot SRIM calculation of radiation damage from logbook:
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Aside: Radiation Damage Limit 76 Ge Beam ! 580 mg/cm 2 nat W target(~300 m) 44 pnA 76 Ge beam, 88W Spot size 0.3 – 0.5 mm MW/m 2 or Dose ~8x10 12 Gy (metals fail ~10 10 Gy) Front View Rear View SRIM calculation gives 74 dpa for this irradiation (displacements per atom)
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o US Dept. of Energy interest in FRIB? DOE Nuclear Physics Mission: to understand the fundamental forces and particles of nature as manifested in nuclear matter and provide the necessary expertise and tools from nuclear science to meet national needs. This mission is accomplished by supporting scientists who can answer overarching questions in major scientific thrusts of nuclear physics research. Thrusts defined by, e.g., National Academy of Science, Nucl. Sci. Adv. Comm Nuclear Structure Nuclear AstrophysicsTests of Fundamental Symmetries Applications of Nuclear Science What is the nature of the nuclear force? What is the nature of neutron stars and dense nuclear matter? Why is there now more matter than antimatter in the universe? What new applications can meet the needs of society? What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei? What is the origin of elements in the the cosmos? What nuclear reactions drive stars and stellar explosions?
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Scientific Reach of FRIB FRIB with 400 kW for all beams and minimum energy of 200 MeV/u will have beam rates for some isotopes up to 100 times higher than other facilities For example: FRIB intensity will allow the key benchmark nuclei 54 Ca (reaccelerated beams) and 60 Ca (fast beams) to be studied today
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o ~ 1.5 year ago, Proposal for FRIB accepted Driver linac with E/A 200 MeV for all ions, P beam = 400 kW –Various possibilities for optional upgrade (e.g., higher energy, ISOL, multi-user capability …) Fast, stopped, and reaccelerated beams Use of existing NSCL –Enables continuing scientific program –Fast start of FRIB scientific program
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o FRIB Location on the MSU Campus Brown.. Existing Buildings Red.. Present Experimental hall Green.. Reaccelerator Exp. and Offices just completed, 2oo9 Blue.. FRIB new construction
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o 2o1o: Intense Reviews, Alternatives Analyzed > 200 MeV/nucleon, 400 kW for all ions; fast, stopped, reaccelerated beams Upgrade optionsUpgrade optionsUpgrade options > 400 MeV/nucl for all ions> 400 MeV/nucl for all ions> 300 MeV/nucl for all ions Space to double exp. area 1) Space to double exp. area 1) Space to double exp. area ISOL2) ISOL2) ISOL Light ion injector3) Light ion injector3) Light ion injector Multi-userMulti-userMulti-user ✔ = chosen 8 = not chosen 8 8 ✔, Slide 17G. Bollen, 26 April
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o FRIB Linac Configuration, 2o1o Physically compact layout Minimize subterranean structures Single tunnel for all linac segments Ground level
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Proposed FRIB 3-Stage Fragment Separator Large acceptance preseparator under detailed ion-optical study [ Sherrill and Hausmann ] High power target, beam dump and remote handling play very significant roles in the design considerations
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o New stopped beam area to accommodate: –Exisiting LEBIT facility (moving now) –New laser spectroscopy line (under construction) N4 gas stopping vault with three beam lines –New momentum compression line for new cryogenic linear stopper (~60% complete) –New large acceptance momentum compression line (installation beginning) –New beamline stub for thermal ionizer NSCL in 2o1o High-bay expansion to accommodate reaccelerated beam program –MSU has constructed a new 10,000 ft 2 highbay –ReA3 reaccelerator is under construction (injection, RFQ, 1 of 3 cryomodules in place) New experimental area for reaccelerated beams New stopped beam area
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o NSCL in 2o18 ? FRIB will provide projectile fragments at unprecedented rates –Project is up and running –Formal review of Conceptual Design (CD-1) in July, 2o1o A full suite of experimental equipment will be available for fast (F), stopped (S) and reaccelerated beams (R ) New equipment will be available for thermal and reaccelerated beams –Thermal beam area (Trap and Atomic Spec.) –Active Target TPC (under construction)
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Collaborators on 76 Ge work A.M. Amthor, T. Baumann, D. Bazin, A. Gade, T.N. Ginter, M. Hausmann, M. Matos, D.J. Morrissey, A. Nettleton, J. Pereira, M. Portillo, B.M. Sherrill, A. Stolz, O.B. Tarasov, and M. Thoennessen, NSCL, Michigan State Univ. A.N. Inabe, T. Kubo, RIKEN, Wako shi Key: Graduate Students, First Authors
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Gas Stopping strategy ReA3 Funded by MSU Funded by NSF MRI Two gas stopping systems for best performance Cyryogenic linear gas stopper (NSF funded) Cyclotron gas stopper (FRIB commitment) Funded by NSF (ARRA)
djm -- Vietri Sul Mare – May/2o1o Cyclotron Gas Stopper, next phase 175 mbar 180 mbar Extensive simulations to evaluate and optimize performance Mechanical and magnet design studies RF carpet tests for beam extraction ongoing (DOE-funded) Best system for light and medium-heavy isotope beams – Higher beam rate capability than linear stoppers – Extraction times well below 50 ms Awaiting final simulations & detailed design