INC Report to the NANC August 24, 1999
Report Overview Meeting Schedules and Logistics 2000 Meeting Schedule OBF 500/900 Liaison Status of Reseller/Type 1 Reporting Issue
Meeting Schedule and Logistics August 30th Conference call: Close issues: 157, 160, 173, 174, 175, 181, 184 CIC Workshop Issue September (INC 45, in Portland,ORE) November (INC 46, in Key West, FLA)
Meeting Schedule and Logistics 2000 January (INC 47, in San Francisco, CA) February 28-March 3 (INC 48, in Southern CA) April (INC 49, location TBD) June (INC 50, location TBD) July (INC 51, location TBD) September (INC 52, Boston, MA) November (INC 53, location TBD)
Reseller/Type 1 Carrier Reporting Structure: INC Requests NANC to Reconsider Policy June 1999 INC Report to the NANC INC requested reconsideration of the current policy of having Reseller/Type 1 Carriers report utilization and forecast data to the code/block holder
Reseller/Type 1 Carrier Reporting Structure: Current Policy NANC November 1998 Meeting Minutes: “Chairman Hasselwander noted NANC’s consensus that the obligation to report forecast information should flow from the reseller to the code holder to the NANPA.” NRO Report on COCUS (6/16/99): “The code holder/block holder is responsible to provide timely and accurate forecast and utilization data to the NANPA. The code holder is responsible for providing the same information for its resellers and Type 1 interconnecting carriers, subject to existing business arrangements between the entities.”
LNPA Workshop’s Questions and Concerns The current policy may not support the objective of obtaining complete and reliable forecasts from all carriers. u Are resellers/Type 1 Carriers willing to provide forecast/utilization data to potential competitors? u How can code/block holders compel resellers/Type 1 Carriers to provide such information? If the current policy remains in place, does “business arrangement” imply changes to new/existing interconnection agreements? Should this requirement become a mandatory condition of interconnection agreements?
INC LNPA Workshop’s Alternative Solution for NANC Consideration The code/block holders to whom the numbering resources are assigned shall be responsible to report the name and contact information to the NANPA of any reseller/type 1 carriers who have obtained numbering resources from them. The resellers/type 1 carriers shall then be responsible to report their utilization and forecast data to the NANPA directly. Reseller/Type 1 Carrier Input sought by NANC at August meeting