1) Arabian Gulf Spills Note: This is currently the world’s largest oil spill. Location: Persian Gulf Year: 1991 Amount of Oil Spilled in Gallons and Liters: 520 million gallons (1.9 billion liters) 2) Ixtoc I Oil Well Location: Gulf of Mexico Year: 1979 Amount of Oil Spilled in Gallons and Liters: 140 million gallons (530 million liters ) 3) Atlantic Empress Location: Trinidad and Tobago Year: 1979 Amount of Oil Spilled in Gallons and Liters: 90 million gallons (340 million liters) 4) Fergana Valley Location: Uzbekistan Year: 1992 Amount of Oil Spilled in Gallons and Liters: 88 million gallons (333 million liters) RAINBOW CHASERS Ceren Cengiz İpek Kuran Cem Gökalp
Don’t we turn into small machines that go to work, come home? We spend most of our time for transportation We need a new perspective that we had forgotten. We need to remember our childhood. We need some colors in our lives. MAY BE WE JUST NEED DESIGN COMBINED WITH THE CURIOSITY OF HUMANKIND IN ORDER TO HAVE FUN AND ALSO TO SAVE THE WORLD?
There are nearly 50 cars in the photo. Think that each of them has 3 people in it. The number of people would be 150. And 150 people can fit in the just ONE BUS, so there is no traffic and there is no pollution like this much. First of all, we will increase the number of bus lanes to let the busses take the priority in the traffic. Also we will use hybrids for the public transportation.
AND IT’S TIME FOR DESIGN WE WILL ADD SOME FUN TO ATTRACT PEOPLE!! -Busses designed by famous designers -Busses that change the whole city with their visuality -Busses that make you smile when you see them in the morning -Busses that you’ll be pleased to be inside of it and let you use your time more efficiently with some additions like e- readers or may be real books -Busses that increase the awareness of children and the whole citizens with the visual communication tools -Busses that give you a chance to make donations to the charities to make the world a better place
Our inspirational model is: Annie Leonard who is the narrator and the writer of the Story of Stuff Project. She criticize the modern world and the consumer society so that we think that she can cooperate with us because of having same aim of using media and visual communication tools in order to increase the awareness of people. Our inspirational model is: Annie Leonard