Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s
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1 What are some of the major bodies of water in the United States?
1 Oceans (Atlantic, Pacific); Rivers (Mississippi, Missouri, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande); Lakes (Great Lakes); Gulf (Gulf of Mexico) Home
2 Which river was explored by the Spanish?
2 Colorado River
3 What important transportation role did the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans serve?
3 The Pacific Ocean was an early exploration route; The Atlantic Ocean served as the highway for explorers, early settlers, and later immigrants.
4 How did the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers support interaction and create links to other regions?
4 The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers were the transportation arteries for farm and industrial products. They were links to other parts of the world.
5 Which river was considered the, “Gateway to the West?”
5 The Ohio River
6 What is important about the Rio Grande?
6 It forms the border with Mexico.
7 How did the Gulf of Mexico aid the French and Spanish explorers?
7 The Gulf of Mexico provided the French and Spanish explorers with exploration routes to Mexico and other parts of the world.
8 Lewis and Clark explored which river?
8 The Columbia River
9 What was important about the location of the Great Lakes?
9 Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the Great Lakes.