Miss Leitzel’s 1 st Grade Science Next
Click on a season to learn more about it. Click here for a review question
Spring is when flowers bloom and baby animals are born. The weather starts getting warmer and it rains a lot. Bunny Butterfly Bee Flower Next
Back to Menu Hat Rain Boots Raincoat
Next The weather gets warmer in Summer, and you don’t need to wear a jacket. Students are out of school, and people go swimming and often go to the beach. Swimming pool Ice-cream Bicycle Beach Sand castle
Back to Menu Sunglasses Bathing suit Swimming Trunks Flip-flops Summer dress Tank top
Next It starts to get colder in the Fall, leaves change colors and then fall off the trees. The new school year starts around this time. You see a lot of apples and pumpkins at this time of year. Apples and cider Acorn PumpkinScarecrow
Back to Menu Jacket Cap Sweater Sweatpants
Next It’s very cold in Winter. It snows this time of year, and trees are bare. There’s very few animals and bugs around in Winter. Snowman Hot Chocolate Cookies Igloo Sled
Back to Menu Hat and Scarf Boots Coat Gloves/Mittens
In which season do flowers bloom? A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall D. Winter
Hooray!! Flowers of every color are blooming everywhere in Spring! Next
Oops! Try Again! Back to Question There are flowers in Summer, but they bloomed in a different season.
Oops! Try Again! Back to Question The weather is getting colder, and flowers are starting to die in Fall.
Oops! Try Again! Back to Question The weather is too cold in Winter for flowers to be alive. In fact, most plants are dead at this time of year.
Great Job! You finished learning about the seasons! Back to Beginning